Mindfulness A brief introduction
Definition Simply- awareness- being in the present moment. “ Awareness of the present experience with acceptance” (Germer et al, 2013) “ Open-hearted, moment to moment, non judgemental awareness” (Kabat-Zinn, 2004)
The Practice Mindfulness meditation- easily taught needs regular daily practice. Experiential ( non verbal) practice Increasing body of evidence of neurophysiological changes and behavioural/emotional outcome changes.
TYpes of Practice Focussed attention (concentration meditation) Open monitoring (seeing clearly). Monitoring thoughts and emotions. Loving kindness or compassion meditation. -Development of the emotional background of the meditation. Yoga or other physical movements can be part of the mindfulness practice. Eg. MBSR
Where is it used? Health. Group Practice or with individuals. Mind-body medicine- Kabat -Zinn and MBSR programme. Effective in helping patients with stress, pain, chronic ill health.
Health and well being Psychological therapies. Component of “third wave CBT”- practices. Evidence to support its use in treating anxiety, depression and stress. Effective for therapists and patients. Enhances personal wellbeing.
Education Mindfulness practices are widely used in schools. Enhances attention, self care and caring for others. In the UK mindful schools works with schools to introduce mindfulness. (
Present level of use Group or individualised therapy. Part of medical or psychological treatment. Scottish Government recommends via NES Mental Health -Matrix- that MBCT should be available to patients. Mindfulness Scotland is an organisation that brings together a variety of partner organisations. Mentioned in NICE guidelines CG The management of depression in adults. CG Common mental Health disorders
Future DEvelopment Give some time and space to people with busy stressful lives. A tool not a goal in itself. Develop a useful life skill. Offer to medical students as part of a support programme.
mythbusting Not a religious practice-entirely secular. Not simply a relaxation therapy.
Germer,C.K., Siegal, R.D, & Fulton, P.R. (2013) Mindfulness and Psychotherapy. 2nd Edn. New York: Guildford Press. Kabat-Zinn, J. (2004) Wherever You Go There You Are. London: Piatkus books. R
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