To provide a creative and challenging that recognizes the uniqueness of each student while promoting artistic and academic excellence. Mission
Art-based High School Offers dozens of classes each semester in.. Acting Music Visual Arts Fashion Film Academics
Grades 9-12 10 teachers to estimate of 150 students Located within Appleton West High School Demographics
1 st visit Tour of classrooms Review of academic schedule Chose rooms of redesign Interviewed students and teachers 2 nd visit Measurements of Basement Measurements of Office Visualized our conceptual design Survey students
Surveys Q.1 Q.2 Q.4 Q.3 Q.4 The tables in this room work well. Blue=Disagree Red=Neutral Green=Agree
Survey Comments Q.1 Q.2 Q.4 Q.3 Want more color Want removable stage/dance floor Couches More space and less cluster Green Room Disco Ball
Lawrence Observation
Rid of shelves Corner cabinet Use of natural light by rearranging desks Change of Color Coffee table & Couches for meetings Office Redesign
Ceiling Curtains Medieval Chandelier Change of Color Basement Redesign
Renaissance Era- a rebirth or revival, e.g. of culture, skills, or learning forgotten or previously ignored Inspiration