Biomes of the World Welcome to a fun-filled unit that was designed to take you ”fishing for facts” about a biome of your choice.
Let’s Go Fishing for Facts! The purpose of your PowerPoint is to discover what distinguishes your biome from another?
When “Fishing for Facts” you must answer the following questions. What is the biome’s climate? Where does this biome exist in the world? What kinds of plants live in the biome? What kinds of animals live in the biome? How do similar plants and animals live in different biomes? How have humans impacted the biome?
What is the biome’s climate? Slide #2: Since a biome is determined by its climate, describe the climate of your chosen biome.
Where does this biome exist in the world? Slide #3: Where is your biome located in the world. Slide #4: Are there different types of your biome that exist in the world.
What kinds of plants live in the biome? An overall description of what types of plants exist in your biome must be included on slide #5. List 3-5 examples.
Adaptations of Plants Similar plants exist in different biomes because of adaptations. Slide #6 must list 5-7 adaptations of plants in your biome.
What kinds of animals live in the biome? An overall description of what types of animals exist in your biome must be included on slide #7. List 3-5 examples.
Adaptations of Animals Similar animals exist in different biomes because of adaptations. Slide #8 must list 5-7 adaptations of animals in your biome.
You must have a minimum of 5 Fun Facts. Slide #10 will be used to give all the information you gathered about your biome that was not able to be used on the PowerPoint. You must have a minimum of 5 Fun Facts.
How have humans impacted the biome? Slide #9 will give how humans have had an effect of your biome. You must have a minimum of four impacts with one of them being positive.
You must have a minimum of 5 sources. Works Cited Your final slide will be a list of all the websites you visited while fishing for the information that you used on your PowerPoint. You must have a minimum of 5 sources.