PTCL Submitted to: Sir Imran Haneef Submitted by: Muhammad Qaswar Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited Presentation on
Introduction Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) is proud to be Pakistan’s most reliable and largest converged services carrier providing all telecommunications services from basic voice telephony to data, internet, video-conferencing and carrier services to consumers and businesses all over the country. Whether it is an office in the largest city of Pakistan or a home in a small village, we are present in every corner of Pakistan to serve our customers.
Vision To be the leading Information and Communication Technology Service Provider in the region by achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders' value'. The future is unfolding around us. In times to come, we will be the link that allows global communication. We are striving towards mobilizing the world for the future. By becoming partners in innovation, we are ready to shape a future that offers telecom services that bring us closer.
Objective PTCL has established Corporate Customer Centres to facilitate corporate customers. Currently, these centres have been established in Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore. Our aim is to provide better customer care through:Swift processing of Corporate Customer requests. One window for all Telecom Services. Convenient registration procedure. Minimum documentation for hassle-free registration
History Having its origin in the Post & Telegraph Department established in 1947, the Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation (PTC) was established in December 1990, taking over operations and functions from the Pakistan Telephone and Telegraph Department under the Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation Act The Pakistan Government's policy to promote competition encouraged private sector participation and resulted in the award of licenses to cellular companies
Etisalat & PTCL In 2006, Pakistan's Privatization Commission held open bidding to sell billion shares, along with management control of PTCL. The Etisalat International Pakistan, a 100 % owned subsidiary of Emirates Telecommunications Corporation - Etisalat was the highest bidder for a 26 per cent stake in PTCL with a $1.96 (116 rupees) per share offer.
PTCL STOCK PRICE PTCL Stock Price Rates in PKR Stock Market: KSEKSE Symbol:PTC Outstanding Shares: Open Rate:47.90 Current Rate:48.10 Price Change:0.20 % Change:0.42% High Rate:48.40 Low Rate:47.75 Volume: Apr 15, :04 PST
Bill Payment Card 1 - Convenient 2 - Hassle Free 3 - Eliminates Commuting Cost 4 - No Extra Charges
Cash Payment Options BANKS ABN AMRO Bank Allied Bank of Pakistan Askari Commercial Bank Bank Alfalah Bank of Punjab Bolan Bank Citi Bank First Women Bank Habib Bank Limited Industrial Development Bank of Pakistan KASB MCB National Bank of Pakistan Punjab Provincial Cooperative Bank Standard Chartered Bank / Union Bank United Bank Limited NIB Bank
Corporate Customer Centers Voice Data & Video Voice Messaging Service (VMS) Value Added Service Universal Access Number (UAN). Universal Internet Number (UIN) - for ISP's Licensed only). Intergrated Services Digital Network ISDN-PRI, ISDN-Tele Plus. Local/Domestic/International Leased bandwidth and point to point leased lines. IN Based Value Added Service 0800 Toll Free PTCL Calling Cards Domestic & International Premium Rate (0900) & Virtual Private Network Service.
Services Offered at Corporate Customer Centres Voice Data & Video Voice Messaging Service (VMS) Value Added Service Universal Access Number (UAN). Universal Internet Number (UIN) - for ISP's Licensed only). Intergrated Services Digital Network ISDN-PRI, ISDN-Tele Plus. Local/Domestic/International Leased bandwidth and point to point leased lines.
Corporate Customer Centres Islamabad Corporate Customer Centre Kamran Centre Blue Area, Islamabad. Ph: Fax: Karachi Corporate Customer Centre Ground Floor, DG Office, Hatim Alvi Road, Clifton, Karachi. Ph: Fax: Lahore Corporate Customer Centre 26A Civic Centre Barkat Market, Garden Town, Lahore. Ph: Fax: