VITAL SIGNS General Impression and Level of Consciousness A-0000 تعین نمودن درجه حرارت عضویت مریض ۰۰۰۰- A۸۶- ۰۸۱ REFERENCES: ماخذ ANA-STP-8-86C-SM-TG STP 8-91W15-SM-TG STP 8-68W15-SM-TG
ACTION: Gather a General Impression, Accurately assess casualty’s Level of Consciousness and obtain a SAMPLE History. CONDITIONS: You have a patient requiring medical assessment. You will need a small light, pen and ANA Form 600 (Medical Record-Chronological Record of Medical Care). STANDARDS: Demonstrate competence in assessing general impression, accurately determine casualty’s level of consciousness and obtaining a SAMPLE Hx using the appropriate techniques, equipment and forms. VITAL SIGNS General Impression and Level of Consciousness A-0000
AT THE END OF THESE LESSONS YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: در ختم این درس شما قادربه فراگیری موضوعات ذیل خواهید شد: LEARNING OBJECTIVES اهداف نهایی اموزش 1. Identify Vital Signs 2. Familiarize with Basic Initial Assessment 3. Assess Level of Consciousness 4. Obtain SAMPLE Hx.
VITAL SIGNS & INITIAL ASSESSMENT 1.Identify vital signs What are vital signs? 2. Complete an initial assessment Initial assessment and SAMPLE Hx
3. Establish patient contact 4. Assess the skin Color Temperature Moisture Capillary refill VITAL SIGNS & INITIAL ASSESSMENT
5. Assess level of consciousness AVPU Glasgow Coma Scale PEARRL Vital Signs VITAL SIGNS & INITIAL ASSESSMENT
6. Take a SAMPLE history Signs and Symptoms Allergies Medication Last oral intake Events leading up to injury VITAL SIGNS & INITIAL ASSESSMENT
SUMMARY خلاصه QUESTIONS سوالات ؟ We have covered- Identifying Vital Signs Familiarize with Basic Initial Assessment Assess Level of Consciousness Obtaining a SAMPLE Hx