NERD BOOK By Emily Thielke
TPR temperature pulse respiration T: 99.5 –102.5 T: – P: P: R: 10 – 30 R:
Abbreviations AD - Right Ear AL - Left Ear AU - Both Ears BAR - bright, alert responsive QAR - quiet alert responsive ADR - ain’t doing right SID - once every 24 hours BID - every 12 hours TID - every 8 hours QID - every 4 hours C-S or c/s - coughing, sneezing V - vomiting D - diarrhea FB - foreign body HBC - hit by car ID - intradermal IM – intramuscular IN – intra nasal IP – intraperitoneal WNL – within normal limits IV- intravenous IC - intracardiac CRT - capillary refill time PO - per os (by mouth) NPO - nothing by mouth NSF - no significant findings R/O - rule out Qs - quantity sufficient OD - Right eye OL - Left eye OU -Both eyes EOD - every other day Q - every h - hour d - day TLC - tender loving care UA - urinalysis URI - upper respiratory infection UTI - urinary tract infection BCS - body Condition Scoring ROM - range of motion MM - Mucus Membrane SX - surgery SQ - Subcutaneous TX - Treatment DX - diagnose Qh4 - every 4 hours PE - physical exam
SOAP S – subjective Owner/our opinions Chief complaint- what are they here for? O – Objective PE findings/test results A – Assessment Rule outs, possible diagnoses Doctor usually does P – Plan Final diagnoses and treatment plan
Dog Groups: toy, terrier, herding, working, hound, sporting and non-sporting Dentition: Puppies – 28 teeth Adults – 42 teeth retained – adult teeth come in and baby teeth don’t fall out. Reproduction: Heat Cycle – Estrus Pro estrus – 9-10 days attractive and bloody Estrus – 9-10 days receptive and straw colored Di estrus – 9-10 days An estrus – 4-7 months Gestation: 63days Development : neonatal days transition days socialization days
Common Dog Terms Bitch Intact Female Brachycephalic smooshed in face Breed variety of dogs with constant traits Crop ear surgery Dock altering of the tail Dog male Feathering long fringes of hair on legs, tail, ears and skirt (belly) Pedigree listing of recent ancestors Purebred parents and ancestors are all same breed Registration- proof that they are purebred Stud intact male used for breeding Whelp to give birth
Cat Social Structure: Colony- eversible Urban- interrelated, Multi female and multi male Rural- multi female one male Dentition: Kittens- 26 teeth Adults- 30 teeth Reproduction: seasonally poly estrus – many heat cycles Gestation: days Development: average litter size is 4 weaning- 4 weeks socialization- 2-7 weeks for humans 12 weeks for other cats
Common Cat Terms Clowder group of cats Clutter Group of kittens Tom Intact male Queen Intact female Kitten Baby cats DLH Domestic Long Hair DMH Domestic Medium Hair DSH Domestic Short Hair Polydactyl Many toes Feral Wild cat Onychectomy declawing Allogrooming Grooming other cats Jungle Pouch Belly fat Sebaceous Glands temporal- below ears Submental- base of chin, lips, between digits Perianal region- base of the tail, anal glands