The flag of Russia (Russian: Флаг России, Flag Rossii), or officially, the State Flag of the Russian Federation (Russian: Государственный Флаг Российской Федерации) is a tricolour flag of three equal horizontal fields, white on the top, blue in the middle and red on the bottom. The flag was first used as an ensign for merchant and war ships and only became official in The flag continued to be used by the Russian Provisional Government even after the Tsar was toppled in the February Revolution and was not replaced until the October Revolution which established a Bolshevik government. From that time period, a red flag charged with communist symbols was favoured over the tricolour. It was not until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 that the tricolour was brought back as the official flag of the new Russian Federation. The modern era flag underwent a slight change in 1993 and has been official since 2000.RussiaRussian tricolourflagwhiteblueredRussian Provisional GovernmentTsarFebruary RevolutionOctober RevolutionBolshevikred flagcollapse of the Soviet UnionRussian Federation
History There was no universally accepted flag for Russia until the middle of the 17th century. The earliest mention of the flag occurs during the reign of Tsar Alexis I, in 1668, and is related to the construction of the first Russian naval ship, the frigate Oryol. According to one source, the choice of the colours may originate from the Dutch flag, and is related to the nationality of the ship's lead engineer Butler. During the construction, he faced the need for the flag, and issued a request to the Boyar Duma, to "...ask His Tsarist Majesty as to which (as is the custom among other nations) flag shall be raised on the ship." The official response merely indicated that, as such issue is as yet unprecedented, even though the land forces do use (apparently different) flags, the Tsar ordered that his (Butler's) opinion be sought about the matter, asking specifically as to the custom existing in his country. The Netherlands had at the time already settled on its current flag, consisting of red, white and blue stripes, which Butler duly told the Tsar. This conversation apparently took notice, as the source proceeds to describe the materials bought "overseas" for the ship, and specifically mentions red, blue and white fabric. It is not at all certain, however, that the choice of the colours was affected by the Dutch flag. Another possibility is that the flag repeats the colour choice of the Coat of arms of Moscow; that emblem is alleged by at least one author (Prince Aleksandr Putyatin) to effectively be the first Russian flag. A different account traces the origin of the Russian flag to Tsar Peter the Great's visits to Archangel in 1693 and Peter was keenly interested in shipbuilding in the European style, different from the barges ordinarily used in Russia at the time. In 1693, Peter had ordered a Dutch-built frigate from Amsterdam. In 1694 when it arrived, the Dutch red-white-and-blue banner flew from its stern. Peter decided to model Russia's naval flag after this banner by changing the sequence of colours. It eventually became the flag of the Russian empire.[2]
While differing in the circumstances, the two flag origin versions agree on the Dutch flag influence. However, there are historical reasons to doubt that the flag was chosen as late as Peter's reign. One of the strongest arguments against that comes from a German flag book of 1695 by Carel Allard, which is considered to be one of the world's first flag books. Printed only a year after Peter's trip to Western Europe, the book already describes three flags of a similar design noted as belonging to the either Tsar of Muscovy, or Muscovy itself. One of the three flags shown is the tricolour with a double-headed eagle holding a shield in its hands, and wearing a golden crown over both of its heads. Another is the tricolour with a blue saltire over it and the third consists of two white (top left and bottom right) and two red (top right and bottom left) squares, with a blue cross in the middle.[3] MuscovyOne of the three flags shownAnother saltireand the third[3] The flag was used as naval and military ensign since at least as early as 1693, and was adopted as a merchant flag in On May 7, 1883 it was authorized to be used on land. However, it did not become an official national flag (State Flag) until the coronation of Tsar Nicholas II in 1896merchant flagNicholas II
The coat of arms of the Russian Federation derives from the earlier arms of the Russian Empire, as restored in 1992 after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Though modified more than once since the reign of Ivan III ( ), the current coat of arms is directly derived its mediaeval original. The general chromatic layout corresponds to the early-fifteenth-century standard[citation needed]. The shape of the eagle can be traced back to the reign of Peter the Great ( ), although the eagle in the modern arms is gold instead of the imperial black.Russian Federationarms of the Russian EmpireSoviet UnionIvan IIIchromaticcitation neededPeter the Great The two main elements of Russian state symbols (the two-headed eagle and the mounted figure slaying a serpent or dragon) predate Peter the Great. The Great State Seal of Ivan III, grand duke of Moscow, featured a horseman slaying (or struggling with) a dragon. The figure was not officially identified as Saint George until 1730, when it was described as such in an Imperial decree. The older form (a mounted dragonslayer known as "Победоносец", "Saint George the Victory-bearer") was always associated with the Grand Duchy of Muscovy, later becoming the official arms of the city of Moscow. The earliest graphic representation of a rider with a spear, in 1390, is in a seal of the prince of Moscow, Vasiliy Dmitriyevich. The serpent or dragon was added under Ivan III. Saint George henceforth became the patron of Moscow (and, by extension, of Russia).Sealgrand dukeMoscow Saint GeorgedragonslayerMuscovyofficial arms of the city of Moscow Vasiliy Dmitriyevich
Today, the official description does not refer to the rider on the central shield as representing Saint George, mainly in order to maintain the secular character of the modern Russian state.secular The double-headed eagle was adopted by Ivan III after his marriage with the Byzantine princess Sophia Paleologue on 12 November 1472, whose uncle Constantine was the last Byzantine Emperor. The double-headed eagle was the official state symbol of the late Byzantine Empire, spanning both East and West. It, amongst other aspects, symbolized the unity of Church and State. After the Fall of Constantinople to the Turks in 1453, Ivan III and his heirs considered Moscovy (Moscow) to be the last stronghold of the true, orthodox, Christian faith, and in effect, the last Roman Empire (hence the expression "Third Rome" for Moscow and for the whole of imperial Russia). From 1497, the double- headed eagle proclaimed a Russian sovereignty equal to that of the Holy Roman Empire, whose rulers likewise claimed to be the inheritors of the Christian Roman tradition. The earliest known evidence of the double-headed eagle as an official emblem of Russia is on the great prince's seal, stamped in 1497 on a Charter of share and allotment of independent princes' possessions. About the same time, the image of a gilt, double-headed eagle on a red background appeared on the walls of the Palace of Facets in the Moscow Kremlin.double-headed eagleIvan IIIByzantineSophia PaleologueConstantineByzantine EmperorByzantine EmpireFall of ConstantinopleThird RomeHoly Roman EmpirePalace of FacetsMoscow Kremlin Lesser State Emblem of the Russian Empire (final version, 1883)
The arms were modified during the reign of the twilight zone of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Feodorovich: the double-headed eagle was adorned with three crowns for the first time in Through time, these crowns have been interpreted variously as representative of the conquered kingdoms of Kazan, Astrakhan, and Siberia, or as representing the unity of "All the Russias" (Great Russia, the present-day Russian Federation; Little Russia, now the Ukraine; and White Russia, now Belarus). RomanovMikhail FeodorovichKazanAstrakhanSiberiaRussian FederationUkraineBelarus The current coat of arms was designed by artist Yevgeny Ukhnalyov; it was adopted officially on November 30, 1993 [1]. Today, the imperial crowns stand for the unity and sovereignty of Russia both as a whole and in its constituent republics and regions. The orb and sceptre are traditional heraldic symbols of sovereign power and authority. They have been retained in the modern Russian arms despite the fact that the Russian Federation is not a monarchy, which led to objections by the Communists even though both the blue ribbon and the collar of the Order of St. Andrew (which in the imperial arms supported the three crowns and surrounded the central shield) have been removed from the current coat of arms.Yevgeny Ukhnalyov[1]Russiaorb and sceptreOrder of St. Andrewshield