No Shortcuts to Success Выполнила: Балуева Татьяна Ивановна, учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №30, г.Новоалтайск, 2007
No Shortcuts to Success It is difficult to be a successful person. Is it really so? What is success? Success is the gaining of what is aimed at. Prosperity.
Personal qualities Hard- working Sociable Tolerant Confident Enthusiastic Ambitious Flexible Easy- going Accurate Creative Reliable Educated Considerate Decisive Obstinate Domineering
“Brain Storm” “In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative thinker unless you can sell what you create.” D. M. Ogilvy. What are your ideas of what is said? You will be popular if you create something useful for people. You will be happy if you reach your goal.
Famous people of Altai V. M. Shukshin G. D. Grebenshchikov V. Zolotukhin I. I. Polzunov M. A. Lisavenko V. Y. Shishkov.
V. M. Shukshin made a valuable contribution to the development of culture in Altai. is well – known as a famous Russian writer, film – director and actor. after school worked in a small collective farm. began to write stories in His books deal with morality.
V. M. Shukshin Books give a detailed picture of many different people’s life in the countryside. His most famous books are “Lyubaviny”, “Fellow – countrymen”. Many of his books have been filmed for television, such as “Petchky – Lavochky”, “Kalina – Krasnaya”.
I. I. Polzunov was the first in the world to invent a steam engine. came here from the Urals. In 1753 he sent the project of a new machine to St. Petersburg. The Queen was satisfied. But nothing was said about the construction. In spite of great difficulties he finished up this machine. It worked for 46 days, but it gave the profit of about 11 mln. roubles. The first steam engine
G. D. Grebenshchikov became well – known all over Russia as a popular writer. knew very well Altai, its natural environment, history, Russian peasants. was an editor of “Zshizn Altaya”, where in 1912 – 1913 the essays series “Letters to Friends” were published. the novel “Churaevy” was published abroad. described the history of “raskolnick’s” family.
V. Y. Shishkov is a famous writer. came in Siberia in 1894 got busy with road research described Altai natural environment knew way of life of local nationalities his famous books are: “Ugryum Reka”, “ Yemelyan Pugachev” knew the Altai life from within The monument to Shishkov is in Gorniy Altai
How can a person make a success Personal qualities Hard work Education Health Talent Support Good luck Money If a person has a goal.