The Soviet Onion Apologies for bad humor on the part of the teacher
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The Kremlin Onion domesOnion domes
Russian Empire Czar Nicholas II last Russian CzarCzar Nicholas II last Russian Czar –Tsar Nice guy, bad leaderNice guy, bad leader
Russia Before WWI Russia not industrializedRussia not industrialized –It was an agricultural country Land was owned by the nobilityLand was owned by the nobility –Peasants lived on the land – but did not own it Almost no middle classAlmost no middle class –People who owned factories Russia fought Japan (Russo Japanese War) in 1905Russia fought Japan (Russo Japanese War) in 1905 –Almost lost because the Japanese were more industrialized
Russian Revolution During WWIDuring WWI Vladimir Lenin – Led the communist Russian RevolutionVladimir Lenin – Led the communist Russian Revolution –In 1917 Died in 1924Died in
Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin – Ruled 1924–1953Joseph Stalin – Ruled 1924–1953 Industrialize the Soviet UnionIndustrialize the Soviet Union “Purged” 30 million people“Purged” 30 million people
World War II Nazi Germany invades – 1941Nazi Germany invades – 1941 Nazis kill over 20 million peopleNazis kill over 20 million people
After Stalin KrushchevKrushchev –Ruled during the Cuban Missile Crisis –Flamboyant – BrezhnevBrezhnev –Replaced Krushchev –Boring – shchev.jpg
Mikhail Gorbachev Last Leader of the Soviet UnionLast Leader of the Soviet Union Ruled Ruled Brought democracy to the Soviet UnionBrought democracy to the Soviet Union
Collapse of the Soviet Union Communism did not produce wealthCommunism did not produce wealth –Rulers were corrupt Soviet Union spent 60% of GDP on their militarySoviet Union spent 60% of GDP on their military –U.S. spent 3% –In 1981 the U.S. doubled defense spending to 6% –You do the math!!