Welcome to Introduction to Financial Accounting BAF3M and Financial Accounting Principles BAT4M
Mrs. Banks 12th Year Teaching at CW Law, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Making Financial Decisions, Coop, Civics, Introduction to Business
Agenda 1. Course of Study 2. Character Counts 3. School/Classroom Policies
Course Outlines BAF3M Course Stands/Units 1. Accounting Fundamentals 2. Accounting Cycle for Service Industry 3. Accounting Cycle for Merchandising Industry 4. Financial Analysis 5. Careers BAT4M Course Stands/Units 1. Review Accounting Cycle for Service and Merchandise Business 2. Inventory Costing Methods 3. Corporate Accounting 4. Financial Statement Analysis 6. Cash Flow Statements
Text Books & Work Books BAF3M Accounting 1 6th Edition, Syme Text Replacement Cost $80 BAT4M Accounting Principles 3rd Edition, Keiso et al. Workbook: $20 Text Replacement Cost $100
Assessment and Evaluation BAT4M Chapter tests, quizzes, written assignments, observations, self-evaluations, oral presentations, summative research and analysis project Evaluation Term Knowledge/Understanding: 20 Application: 20 Thinking/Inquiry: 15 Communication 15 70 Summative Summative Task 15 Summative Test/Exam 15 30 BAF3M Chapter tests, quizzes, written assignments, observations, self-evaluations, performance tasks Evaluation Term Knowledge/Understanding: 20 Application: 20 Thinking/Inquiry: 15 Communication 15 70 Summative Summative Task 15 Summative Test/Exam 15 30
CHARACTER COUNTS Classroom Policies A. Respect Your Teacher, Your Peers and Yourself Arrive prepared Arrive on Time Submit Assignments on Time 3.
A. Respect… Listen attentively Speak respectfully Use your time wisely and participate
CHARACTER COUNTS B. Respect Our Learning Environment
School/Class policies and Student Success Tips Get a study buddy Parent planned absence (vacation, surgery, etc.) ** Submit a note from parent/guardian in advance.
School/Class policies and Student Success Tips When Absent… Have parent call the school the day of your absence or; Bring a note from your parent/guardian the day you return.
School/Class policies and Student Success Tips When Absent (Legitimate Absence) on the Day of a Test… Speak with your teacher the day you return to determine whether you will write the test at lunch or after school on the first or second day back.
School/Class policies and Student Success Tips Assignment Due Dates: Given sufficient time to complete tasks Assignments due at the beginning of class on the due date. If you can not be in class on the due date because of a predetermined event (i.e. field trip, medical appointment), you must submit you assignment the day before. Speak to teacher if there is a legitimate reason for a needed extension At the teacher’s discretion, a new due date will be provided. A phone call home may be made. If the assignment is not complete on the final date assigned, an “I” will be assigned which translates into a 0 come report card time. Occasional pop homework quizzes will be given at the beginning of class. (Open notebook)
School/Class policies and Student Success Tips Skip Class #1 & 2 = * Phone Home * Detention Friday at Lunch Skip class #3 = * Goes on school record * VP sees you Skipped Test = Incomplete = 0
Skipping Defined Failure to attend school and/or class without a legitimate reason (i.e. sick medical appointment, funeral) sanctioned by a parent/guardian and approved by the school. Sleeping in is considered a skip.
We will have a successful and enjoyable semester if we all work together !!