flags Chloe Miller Grade 3
American flag Some flags are a lot different than others. Our flag has thirteen stripes and fifty stars. The stars on our flag stand for the fifty states. The stripes stand for the thirteen colonies.
English flag This cross is known as St. George’s Cross. Because of its use since the 16th century, it has come to be one of the most prominent and most popular symbols of England.
British flag The British flag is also known as the Union flag. It is called the Union flag because it symbolizes the administrative union of the countries of the United Kingdom.
Germany The flag of Germany was readopted on May 23, 1949. It had been Germany’s flag beginning in 1848 until 1871.
SwedISH flag Sweden's flag was adopted on June 22, 1906, but its design is hundreds of years old.
Canadian flag The Canadian flag is red and white; these are the official colors of Canada.
Irish flag The green color on the flag represents the native people of Ireland. The orange part represents the British supporters of William of Orange, who settled in Northern Ireland in the 17th century. The white in the center of the flag represents peace between these two groups of people.
French flag France's flag was first used in 1789 after the French Revolution. It was officially adopted as the French national flag on February 15, 1794.
Egyptian flag Egypt is a country in northeast Africa. Egypt's flag is a red, white, and black tricolor with horizontal stripes.
Brazilian flag Brazil’s flag is a deep green banner with a yellow diamond enclosing a night blue star studded hemisphere.
Resource slide http://www.enchantedlearning.com/geography/flags/ http://www.englandforever.org/englands-flag.php