Valerie L. Scanlan, PDG Rotary International Zone 25 Membership Coordinator Rotary Member Loyalty
Today’s Topics Loyalty Concepts The Steps to Earning Member Loyalty Ideas for Building Member Rotary Clubs
Why Is Member Loyalty So Important? Because today Members have so many choices. Because it costs 6x more to get a new member than it does to keep an existing one. It sets you apart, and generates priceless WOMA. Because Member lifetime value (LTV) is a compelling justification.
Loyalty Concepts Member Loyalty Comes From Stronger Member Relationships… The quality of club meetings is important. The quality of the projects also attracts members. but It’s the relationship that really ties members to the club.
Loyalty is Built… …One Member at a Time Each Member… …is DIFFERENT and UNIQUE Loyalty Concepts
Human nature is not changing…everything else is. People do things to feel good or to not feel bad. Loyalty Concepts
Members Seek… Solutions Good Meetings Social Interaction Lunches/Breakfasts Good Feelings Relationships Convenience Feeling of importance Feeling of belonging Ease of communicating Loyalty Concepts
A Loyal Member… Attends Meetings Today and Tomorrow Stays Involved Gets involved in many committees (if you invite and make it easy). Loyalty Concepts
A Loyal Member… Multiplies A delighted Member tells 6 others about their experiences, creating positive WOMA. Refers Friends and Others to become Rotarians. And comes back again and again Costs less to serve, because he knows Rotary, and you know about him. Volunteers more money, time, and expertise. Won’t switch to Kiwanis/Lions…easily Forgives Mistakes Loyalty Concepts
GOLDEN Complaints Are GOLDEN Of 100 Members who are dissatisfied with some aspect of the Club will just leave, not come back, and stop being your Members. Only 4 Members will take the time to complain to you. Be aggressive in gathering complaints Loyalty Concepts
Earning Member Loyalty Build learning relationships with your members that add value for them through…IDIC Identify Identify who they are Differentiate Differentiate by value and needs Interact Interact frequently Customize Customize your meetings and your projects to add member value
Identify Identify Who They Are Learn and remember who they are, and everything about them. Don’t ever ask them the same thing twice. How do I start? Build a Member profile database, accessible by all Rotary members.
Rotary Member Profile Database Personal Data Name, address, contact info, birthday, birth place Education HS, College, Military Degrees, Military rank Fraternity/Sorority Family Spouse/Spouse data Anniversary date Children:--names, ages, data Family interests
Rotary Member Profile Database (cont) Business Previous employers/locations Current employer/responsibilities/title Business contact information How I/my business can be a resource to other Rotarians Special Interests Service Clubs Political Party Rotary Committee Involvement Lifestyle Favorites: food, restaurants, hobbies, books, vacations, sports, cars, etc.
Differentiate Differentiate by Value and Needs Differentiate Members by their needs and wants. How do I start? Categorize by A,B,C…
Interact Interact With Them Frequently Teach them who you are, and what you offer. Learn all you can about them and their needs and wants. How do I start? Customize Your Club and Projects to the needs of your members.
Customize (Personalize) your Club to Your Members’ Needs “One size fits one” Call them by name Interact with them frequently Recognize them for everything Give them helpful information Thank Them ! Underpromise and overdeliver
Why I-D-I-C Works It adds value for the Member. It is easier and more convenient. It “feels good” and builds relationships. It makes Members feel special.
Monitor Success How do you know if what you are doing is adding value for your members? ASK Them!!!!! Use the Membership Satisfaction Questionnaire (Resource Guide)
The Member’s Loyalty Pyramid WOW Factor Feeling Special Club Meetings and Projects
How “Member Focused” Are We? How often do we ask our members How are we doing? What could we do better? Do we know why members join our Club? Why they leave? How often do we ask for referrals? How many member’s pictures and stories are shown / told at our meetings? How often are members at our podium? Do we “recognize” EVERY member?
What Do You Have That Is Valuable to Your Members? Learn from Wal-Mart Publicity, compassion, service opportunities, recognition, business contacts Use these to add value for your members
Some IDIC Ideas for Building Member Loyalty Bulletins with pictures and stories Newsletters – printed / electronic notifications Member biographies and interests in roster/Internet Programs featuring Members and Members’ families Form Member Communities Celebrate the Members’ Rotary Anniversary Thank you calls / notes Member Surveys “Celebrate a Member(s)” at every meeting Invite Members to attend a Board Meeting
Questions ?