Mutual Learning on Active Inclusion and Homelessness EU Conference, 5-6 May 2010, Brussels HOMELESSNESS AND HOUSING EXCLUSION IN STOCKHOLM Maria Andersson and Christina Grönberg, Social Welfare-and Labour Market Administration. City of Stockholm
Mutual Learning on Active Inclusion and Homelessness EU Conference, 5-6 May 2010, Brussels Network of Local Authority Observatories on Active Inclusion (NLAO) Decentralised & comparative research by local authority on local active inclusion policies Social services: housing & employment Outcomes: studies and policy recommendations, promoting dialogue between levels of government and with stakeholders Duration: March 2009 – August 2010 Financial support through PROGRESS
Mutual Learning on Active Inclusion and Homelessness EU Conference, 5-6 May 2010, Brussels Results from the European Housing report Main findings Cities’ current challenges: availability of affordable housing, social segregation, changing profile of users Common principles already implemented (SE, NL, UK); major shift through social service reforms in CZ, IT Challenges in the implementation exist, e.g. user involvement, coordination recommendations on each principle General conclusions Active Inclusion strategy needs more target groups e.g. undocumented migrants, ‘working poor’, NEET Common principles to be operationalised in the local context together with stakeholders Crucial role of local level in successful governance of social services to be highlighted more
Mutual Learning on Active Inclusion and Homelessness EU Conference, 5-6 May 2010, Brussels Swedish context No social housing, but public housing Municipal self government, high level of independence Municipal housing companies
Mutual Learning on Active Inclusion and Homelessness EU Conference, 5-6 May 2010, Brussels Trends in Stockholm Diversification of providers Roof-over the head guarantee Housing ladder and focus on homelessness as social problem Increasing focus on the importance of stable and secure housing for re-inclusion (change in attitudes connection between housing and addiction)
Mutual Learning on Active Inclusion and Homelessness EU Conference, 5-6 May 2010, Brussels Stockholm report Main findings Stockholm’s current challenges: availability of affordable housing, social segregation Common principles are implemented to a high degree, but on the local level there can be big differences due to the municipal self government (also between districts in the city) Difficulties to enter and re-enter the housing market due to immobile market. Recommendations from the report Improvement is needed regarding user involvement in policy making. Monitor development of the social situation among households in the remaining public housing and compare with the development of other forms of housing.
Mutual Learning on Active Inclusion and Homelessness EU Conference, 5-6 May 2010, Brussels Stockholm right now Community development Community based integrated services (eg. housing and labour market activities) Housing first