RECOMMENDATIONS Strand B: Validation of non-formal and informal learning.


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Presentation transcript:

RECOMMENDATIONS Strand B: Validation of non-formal and informal learning

A road map for validation of non- formal and informal learning in HEIs 5 Recommendations: each with a set of actions

1 Bologna process and LLL Addressed to European Commission, Ministers in charge of HE (18-19 May Meeting in Bergen), EUA, National Conferences of Rectors and representatives in Brussels, Rectors LLL should be integrated into Bologna process : it is necessary to evaluate the consequences and effects of Bologna process on university LLL (at present not often a priority in Universities’ strategies) The contribution of validation to the objectives of Bologna process (social dimension, mobility) should be made explicit

Four actions 1. Adopt a new structure for Diploma Supplement (that Universities will start to deliver this year) that includes learning outcomes – this is a necessity for implementation of validation of non formal and informal learning 2. Implement learning outcomes, the qualification framework, ECTS (as a flexible tool for validation) more quickly 3. Establish contact with National Europass Centres 4. Beyond BMD : overcome the new paradox introduced by Bologna process which is tending to increase the difficulties for adult participation and validation

2 To change minds and attitudes Addressed to EUA, National Conferences of Rectors, Bologna promoters, Rectors, teachers and students organisations This is a long term perspective (and possibly very too ambitious…) Convince all actors that HEIs shoulod play an important part in LLL Provide evidence on the credibility of procedures and methods used in validation Become learner oriented institutions

Three actions 1. Disseminate the results of this Conference, focused on the challenges our institutions have to face 2. Organise meetings in our universities - we can only progress by convincing colleagues 3. Develop monitoring systems and quality assurance procedures

3 To implement a permanent support system Addressed to EUCEN, to European Commission (for funding) Establish a permanent support system and centre of expertise at HEIs’ disposal to help them develop and implement validation of non formal and informal learning Train people engaged in this process

Three actions 1. Discuss with Brussels the feasibility of such a system and how achieve it 2. Think about how to involve the project EULLearN in this process 3. Create a group of experts

4 From deep reflection to concrete action Addressed to European Commission, to Ministers in charge of HE, to conference of Rectors Propose our own common principles to European Commission. To be more ambitious : from common principles to common perspectives and actions Analyse : - laws and regulations - arrangements set up in universities - methods, tools, procedures, good practices in universities and other institutions involved in validation of non-formal and informal learning procedures Work on a new economic model (funding arrangements) for universities, that would include and promote validation

Five actions Discuss with the European Commission the possibility of undertaking an annual survey of development and implementation of validation (or collaborate with organisations in charge of such a project) Discuss with our Ministries about such a national survey : quantitative and qualitative Make an inventory of good practices, study cases, tools (e.g. application forms,…), include this inventory in the Trends-report Discuss with Ministries, Conference of Rectors on regulation issues (free access based on validation) Work on a economic model : to be aware of the ethical dimension, to overcome barriers to adult learners’ participation

5 To develop partnerships Addressed to Ministries in charge of HE, to Universities, to all of us Consider individual adult candidates as partners : relations based on contract Develop partnerships with other sectors : collaboration with vocational sector and voluntary (they have a lot of experience with validation of practice, experience, training in companies), we should look more closely at their methods. Establish links with industry, professional bodies, companies: they are key partners Look at ECVT

Three actions Encourage global agreements with other sectors, with professional bodies, with big companies Develop local contacts Develop common actions with vocational and/or voluntary sector for example in a company, or on a specific area,…