Immigration and the Strict Southern Border Control By : Iris Navarro
Effects of Immigrations on the Mexican Border
Southern Border Line
Immigration Population From 1970 to 2009 the number of illegal immigrants increased from 10 million to 28 million. The number of Mexican immigrants during this time period increased dramatically from 800,000 to eight million
Job Opportunities Illegal immigrants have decreased the job opportunities for American citizens Immigrants are willing to work for less pay so some are hired instead of American citizens
Excessive amount of money being used 10.5 billion is being used per year for the needs of illegal immigrants being held is prison
Destroy Property Immigrants leave behind personal belongings on property that they have stayed on. Ruin fences trying to further North.
Minutemen Tired of not seeing the government handle the immigration problem coming from Mexico Decided that they would take matters into their own hands by getting volunteers and protecting the border Built a fence on certain parts of the Southern Border
Border Fence Project
Alternative Ways to Decrease Illegal Immigration More Border Patrol Agents along the Mexico border How can our country help Mexico ? Help with poverty and more job opportunities