Research Essay Guide to Using Outside Sources
Where should I begin? What should I be looking FOR? First, educate yourself! First, educate yourself! Gather unbiased facts about the topic. Get your base knowledge before you begin gathering various opinions about the topic. Gather unbiased facts about the topic. Get your base knowledge before you begin gathering various opinions about the topic. Then begin looking for reliable, credible sources and their views on your topic. Then begin looking for reliable, credible sources and their views on your topic. For example: The Catholic Church’s opinion on birth control would be an interesting perspective to consider. On the other hand, Billy Bob’s homepage about why we should hand out condoms in school is not a credible source. For example: The Catholic Church’s opinion on birth control would be an interesting perspective to consider. On the other hand, Billy Bob’s homepage about why we should hand out condoms in school is not a credible source.
Tips for Finding Academic Sources Most of your research will require academic and scholarly articles. Many students struggle with trying to determine what an academic source, or article, is. Use the following information as a guide and remember the library staff is always here to help. Most of your research will require academic and scholarly articles. Many students struggle with trying to determine what an academic source, or article, is. Use the following information as a guide and remember the library staff is always here to help.
Academic vs. Non Academic Sources - What's the Difference? Academic Articles are written by professionals in a given field. Academic Articles are written by professionals in a given field. edited by the authors' peers and often take years to published. edited by the authors' peers and often take years to published. language is formal and will contain words and terms typical to the field. language is formal and will contain words and terms typical to the field. The authors name and credentials will be present The authors name and credentials will be present There will be a list of references that indicate where the author obtained the information s/he is using in the article. There will be a list of references that indicate where the author obtained the information s/he is using in the article. Examples of Academic articles Journal of Psychology, Childhood Education or The American Journal of Public Health. Examples of Academic articles Journal of Psychology, Childhood Education or The American Journal of Public Health.
Non-Academic articles: Are written for the mass public Are written for the mass public Are published quickly and can be written by anyone. Are published quickly and can be written by anyone. Use informal, casual language and may contain slang. Use informal, casual language and may contain slang. The author may not be provided and will not have any credentials listed. The author may not be provided and will not have any credentials listed. There will be no reference list. There will be no reference list. Non-Academic articles can be found in periodicals similar to Time, The San Diego Union-Tribune or Rollingstone. Non-Academic articles can be found in periodicals similar to Time, The San Diego Union-Tribune or Rollingstone.
What kinds of sources CAN I use? Academic sources Academic sources Scholarly articles/essays that are written by experts in a field and reviewed by authors’ peers Scholarly articles/essays that are written by experts in a field and reviewed by authors’ peers Research studies Research studies Use research databases such as EBSCO Host, ProQuest, JSTOR, Lexus-Nexus, etc. Use research databases such as EBSCO Host, ProQuest, JSTOR, Lexus-Nexus, etc. How to Identify Scholarly Sources How to Identify Scholarly Sources How to Identify Scholarly Sources How to Identify Scholarly Sources Internet sources that are credible and reliable Internet sources that are credible and reliable i.e. typically end i.e. typically end How do I know if a website is acceptable? How do I know if a website is acceptable? Evaluating Websites Tutorial Evaluating Websites Tutorial Evaluating Websites Tutorial Evaluating Websites Tutorial
More sources you can use in your essay Materials from our textbook (essays, photographs, etc.) Materials from our textbook (essays, photographs, etc.) Please use sparingly; you need to do outside research for this assignment. Please use sparingly; you need to do outside research for this assignment. Look at sources the primary text uses (e.g. David Sibley refers to bell hooks, Julia Kristeva, etc. Look at sources the primary text uses (e.g. David Sibley refers to bell hooks, Julia Kristeva, etc. Some primary sources Some primary sources art work, film, photographs, etc. Please talk to me if you are planning to use a primary source. art work, film, photographs, etc. Please talk to me if you are planning to use a primary source.
What kinds of sources are NOT academic and should be avoided? Newspaper and magazine articles Newspaper and magazine articles Some primary sources (interviews, personal letters, sacred texts). Please talk to me if you are planning to use a primary source. Some primary sources (interviews, personal letters, sacred texts). Please talk to me if you are planning to use a primary source. Many internet sites Many internet sites This website can be altered by anyone and so any information found within its pages cannot be considered credible or academic. This website can be altered by anyone and so any information found within its pages cannot be considered credible or academic. If in doubt, please ask me! If in doubt, please ask me!