DO NOW 3 Mar **Take out everything you will need today. -Book -Online source -3 rd source - Note cards -For each source you will need to make a works cited entry on a notecard. Use your notes and an Ipad for proper format. -Start by creating your source cards. You will need to copy all works cited info for your book and article (and one other source) onto separate note cards. Make sure you put all of the info in the correct order with proper punctuation.
Today’s Focus Your main focus today is going to be finding the important information in your sources that you want to use in your essay. You should think about your thesis statements to remind yourself what your focus is going to be in this essay. Only choose information today that aligns with your thesis statement.
Today’s Assignment 17 Fact cards & 3 source cards are due Monday at the beginning of the hour Once you have found an important part of your source, your job is to paraphrase that fact on a note card. You are only going to put ONE FACT on each note card. On the back of every note card, you are going to write the parenthetical citation info in parentheses. Yes, on every card. The hardest part will be paraphrasing every fact (putting it in your own words) you find.
Research Thesis Statement List: Topic:List: Topic: 3 focuses Examples:Examples: The life of ___________ consisted of ____1____, _____2_____, and _____3______.The life of ___________ consisted of ____1____, _____2_____, and _____3______. Now make it persuasive:Now make it persuasive: ___________ had a difficult childhood and a lonesome adolescence, which led him to kill more than 33 women.___________ had a difficult childhood and a lonesome adolescence, which led him to kill more than 33 women.
Susan Wright murdered her husband because he was abusive and a drug addict. Socrates was a great scientist that had a wonderful youth, leading to the science of philosophy, however the end of his life was surprisingly brutal. Abortion is a controversial topic that women choose for personal reasons which leaves many lasting effects peoples’ lives. Vincent Van Gogh was a successful artist who struggled with the bi-polar disorder that eventually ended his life. Anorexia is an eating disorder that Demi Lovato struggled with but eventually recovered from.
Homework Due Monday 3. mar Finish between 17 and 25 fact cards. Double check format of your 3 source cards. Organize your facts cards into 3 piles – organized by each paragraph’s focus. Rubberband, paperclip, do what you have to do to have 3 piles separated by Monday morning.
THESIS STATEMENT WRITING In your lit notes, title the page: Research Thesis Statement 1. Write your topic under the title 2. Write down what the purpose of your essay is to you -Examples are to show how fascinating someone is, to understand the motives of someone, to understand the effects of a disease 3. Now think of 3 things you want to cover in your essay -Examples are childhood, what made them famous, most fascinating research, etc. -Write down the 3 specific areas you want to cover
Draw a brace map to plan your essay. Use the brace map the same way you did to plan your Odysseus essay. –Remember to include your thesis, 3 main ideas, and finish with your thesis. –Then add 2-3 supporting details to each main idea
Today’s Focus Today you are going to use your note cards to write your essay. You need nothing else but your note cards and a piece of paper. Once you have your 3 fact piles, you can begin writing your essay. Sign up on the board and be prepared to conference with me about your essays.
Writing your Essay… For now, you can begin and end your essay with your thesis statement. Since you have already paraphrased facts from your sources, you can simply insert each sentence into a paragraph. You will need to add transitions to connect certain sentences and make your paragraphs flow easily. Make sure you include parenthetical citations after you introduce a new source.
Tomorrow… We will be in the computer lab all hour typing essays in MLA format. Meet in the library and be on time. You should begin typing at home, so make sure you either it to yourself or save it on a USB. **You will not be allowed to type tomorrow if you don’t have a hand-written rough draft to show me!!** Hand in your rough draft, final draft and notecards after school if you won’t be here.
Thesis Example Topic: Lila the Axe Murderer Purpose: to show how fascinating she is 3 reasons: had a normal childhood, killed more than 34 women, lived secluded until she finally died alone Thesis: Lila the Axe Murderer is a fascinating woman because she had a normal childhood, killed more than 34 women, and lived secluded until she finally died alone.
Now the hard part… Start with your topic (1)… Add the purpose (2) Finish with your 3 reasons And….. You have a thesis statement! Step one of your essay is complete.
Copy… Non Fiction Essay Choice: –Topic: –Main focus: –Book Title: –Author: –How this book will help you: