Writing an essay for Mrs. Fisher
Always head your paper properly! Name (first AND last) Period and block Date Give the assignment name or title here in the center-top portion of your paper. Do NOT underline your own title.
Write on one side of the paper! Blue/Black ink Often times ink seeps through to the other side and you don’t want poor Mrs. Fisher’s eyesight to get any worse than it already is!
READ THE DIRECTIONS & THE PROMPT! Were you supposed to incorporate text (a story) in your essay? Was your prompt asking you to explain or convince? Did you follow exactly what the prompt was asking?
Essay Introductions Always start with a general description of your topic and incorporate your prompt. Then narrow this down to a specific thesis statement. This tells the reader what the next paragraphs will be about!
THE THESIS The thesis announces the main point, major claim, or controlling idea in an essay. It prepares readers for what they will be reading. Always try to place your thesis statement at the end of the first paragraph, and make sure it is limited to one sentence (two max!)
There’s nothing more relaxing than watching fish serenely swim about their tank. Aquariums make an elegant addition to any room; however, when people walk into a pet store to buy a tank, the variety of freshwater fish can be daunting. It’s hard to narrow down the selection to one type of fish, but most are compatible with others in their group. The most common freshwater fish can be classified into three main groups: cichlids, tropical, and goldfish.
Use parallel structure in your sentences—especially your thesis Unparallel: My utopia will be a society that has no poverty, a society where you can find the latest technologies, and will be a smoke free zone. Revised! My utopia will be a society that has no poverty, has the latest technology, and contains a smoke free zone.
Parallel Structure Good Example! My utopian society would have achievable goals, qualified citizens, and a strict governing power.
Companies look for a person who knows what they are doing.
To be a success, you must... Employees must work hard in order to be successful. If we do not work hard, you will find yourself in the employment line. Using the word, YOU implies the reader is a part of the essay. Do not shift points of view, and use caution with the word, YOU
Avoid unnecessary words or phrases Well, a utopian society to me means…. I believe….. (yes obviously you believe or you wouldn’t be writing this!) In the next paragraph I will discuss… (No Duh! I’ll find it!) In society people must have a good work ethic. A good work ethic is important... (Yes, you have established this)
Don’t address the reader needlessly! Have you ever thought about a world without a good work ethic? (Nope, I haven’t thought about it.) What type of work ethic is important in this world? (I didn’t ask) Address the reader only when you are persuading the reader to take action. Expository essays shouldn’t “talk” to the reader.
Don’t start a sentence with a pronoun unless the reference is very clear. “In society we would have many goals. Our main goal would be to…” WHO IS WE? WHO IS OUR?
Be specific in your detail! Avoid being vague. “ A successful society would be filled with many wonderful things and everyone would have good stuff to contribute.” WHAT THINGS? WHAT STUFF? Always be clear and descriptive with your explanations.
Write maturely and formally! Avoid slang words (cool, stuff,) Don’t abbreviate (b/c, &) Remember, you are writing for a grade, you are not writing to your best friend. Make sure your work is as perfect as it can possibly be. Take pride in it!
AVOID THE WORD A LOT Most of you misspell it anyway. It is a two word phrase—not one word!
Avoid using absolute phrases EVERYBODY EVERYTHING ALL NEVER ALWAYS There are rarely absolutes in the world, so avoid using these words.
And Most Importantly…. I read everything you turn in to me. Make sure your work is void of profanity or anything that may be considered inappropriate or offensive. This includes artwork, graphics, or creative projects.