Procedures and Forms Applying to College 101
Junior Year Complete your Junior Parent Packet and turn in to your counselor by JUNE 1. Review the unofficial transcript sent to your home and return the transcript release form, SIGNED, in September. Return your Diploma Name Form to guidance
Students should use NAVIANCE to develop an activity profile. This will be an in house copy for the counselor to refer to for application and scholarship processing. Students will need to report their activities electronically to colleges or give the counselor a hard copy of the profile with each application to send. Juniors receive 2 excused absences in the spring to visit colleges. You must pick up a college visit form in guidance prior to your visit.
Common Application
Common Application Process and Procedure Open an account on the Common Application website: Forward Completed Application and fee Electronically to the colleges you are interested in applying to. Some schools have supplemental forms in addition to the common application materials; refer to the college’s website for details.
Schools not using Common Application If a school is not on the common application the student will still file the application electronically but through the college’s individual website. School reports/Counselor forms and Teacher Recommendations will need to be downloaded and given to staff.
1. Apply to College(s); including sending application fee 2. Request from testing service that test scores be sent to college(s) 3. See Counselor! (10 school days prior to deadline) Do not leave materials anywhere in guidance. The STUDENT should see the counselor to review forms, etc. Applications WILL NOT be accepted from anyone but the student! Application Check List
Checklist 3. (con’t) Forms to give to counselor at least 10 School Days in Advance!!!!! a. Filled in, signed green form clipped to stamped, addressed, envelope (3 stamps) b. Any required School Reports or Counselor Evaluations signed and dated.
Checklist 4. Teacher Recommendations. Students should give the teacher any forms and addressed stamped business sized envelopes at least 2 weeks in advance. 5. Students will file Midyear Reports in the guidance office in January Check off steps: 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5 (Jan.)_
Misc. Information Seniors receive 4 excused absences for college visits, form must be picked up in guidance prior to visit. INTERVIEWS are set up through the college. It is suggested that the STUDENT call to set up the interview appointment.
All materials should be submitted directly to counselors at same time. Request must be made a minimum of 10 school days prior to deadline. If accepted EARLY DECISION, applicants must withdraw applications from other universities. COLLEGE APPLICATION PROCESS SHEET
Short Checklist ___1.Sent application and fee to college ___2.Sent test scores electronically from testing service. ___3.(10) school days prior to deadline STUDENT should see counselor. ___ 4. Green Form, Signed School Report w/ addressed stamped envelope to counselor at meeting. ___5. (2) weeks in advance of due date teachers should get recommendation forms and addressed, stamped, envelopes.