CLASS OF 2013 College & Post High School Planning
Why are we here? Focus is on college planning 92% of PCH students attend 2 or 4 year colleges/universities Cover the basics now Make an appointment with your counselor to discuss your specific needs
266 Ranked Students CLASS OF Ranked Students RankGPA Top 50% Top 33.3% Top 25% Top 20% Top 10% Top 5% Competitiveness Reputation of PCH Scholarships often include rank in criteria
Where should I apply? mid-October Should have a good idea by mid-October Steps to take if you’re struggling: Make an appointment with your counselor Family Connection – college searches On-campus college visits PCH college rep visits Attend college fairs
Counselor Contact Our role: YOU Provide resources to help YOU make the best decision Submit transcripts and school forms Make appointments through Ms. Reynolds Communicate via
What do colleges look for? Academic record (Rank/GPA) Rigor of coursework Test scores (ACT/SAT) Extracurricular activities Special talents (music, art, athletics, etc.) Leadership, community service, unique qualities
Selectivity Highly selective May admit only 1-2 students from PCH Open admissions Require high school diploma Everything in between Terms we often use: “Stretch” or “Reach” “Safety”
On-Campus Visits You can’t really tell what a college is like until you’ve been Things to look for on a visit: Academics (class sizes, TAs or professors, etc.) Location/size of town Housing Student Life Security
College Rep Visits Shows interest and allows you to meet with an admissions representative FAMILY CONNECTION Check FAMILY CONNECTION for a listing of all college rep visits Register on-line and print a pass Have questions ready - - you might even get a one-on-one appointment
Upcoming College Fairs September 27 – Parkway College Parkway North High (6:30-8 p.m.) October 21 – National College St. Louis University (12-3 p.m.)
Types of Admissions Rolling Rolling – notification once application is processed Early action Early action – early deadline; early notification; non-binding Early decision Early decision – binding agreement if admitted; usually prohibited from applying to any other schools Special programs – may require separate applications
Admissions Decisions Admit – You’re in (contingent upon final transcript) Deny – You’re not in (may still send updated transcripts or test scores) Wait list – You’re not in yet, but you’re on a list if an opening becomes available Deferred – You still don’t know…the decision is being moved to a later date (may still send updated transcripts, resume, additional rec letter) Update your status in Family Connection
Applications and Fees Majority of applications are now completed and submitted online Pay application fees online with credit card Students on Free/Reduced Lunch may be eligible for fee waivers for college applications – see your counselor
Financial Aid Grants – based on need; do not repay Loans – must be repaid, with interest Work Study – based on need; part-time employment during school FAFSA – used to apply for all need-based aid Apply after January 1, 2013 PIN creation ( FAFSA4caster
Scholarships FAMILY CONNECTION Check FAMILY CONNECTION and listen to announcements for scholarships Searching for additional scholarships: School specific (may require separate application) Never pay for scholarship searches
Senior Year Senior year counts Acceptance is conditional until final transcript Entering college on probation ACT/SAT Do you need to take/retake? Do you need Plus Writing or Subject Tests? Caution: addresses; social networking
A Few Tips DO some self-study and investigation to find out what fits you best Career searches and personality inventories on Family Connection DO visit colleges DO keep counselors informed (deadlines, decisions, etc.) DON’T procrastinate
Family Connection
Transcripts Must have Authorization to Release Records on file (green form) Transcript and test score requests must be made in Family Connection It is your responsibility to ensure everything has been received by the college
Forms Common App SSR, MYR, FR – done electronically Teacher Evaluation Forms – electronically or mailed, depending on letter writer College Specific Forms Counselor/School Reports (i.e., Indiana, Tulane, Truman, SLU) must be printed and given to your counselor and/or letter writers
Letters of Recommendation Only request letters if necessary Give 2-3 weeks notice Ask core teachers from 11 th or 12 th grade Provide addressed, stamped envelope if letter writer prefers mailing If letter writer prefers submitting electronically, send them a request through Family Connection (after discussing with them!) See counselor for specific requirements/forms Be aware of deadlines and keep everyone informed!