CASLIN Preservation Needs Assessment for Institutional Planning and Multi-institutional Cooperation Barclay Ogden University of California, Berkeley
CASLIN Preservation goal: to maintain the collections in serviceable condition for as long as needed, and as cost-effectively as possible.
CASLIN Condition Surveys u determine scope and scale of problems
CASLIN Needs Assessment u determines scope and scale of problems u recommends solutions u sets priorities for action u targets finite resources to highest priorities u promotes multi-institutional cooperation
CASLIN Calipr u software program for automated needs assessment u u uses a random sample from the collection with built-in random number generator u 13 questions per sample item u automatically calculates 1) problems, 2) solutions, 3) priorities, and 4) reports
CASLIN Housing conditions: 3. fire protection? 4. disaster response plan? 5. good stack conditions? Demand for access: 1. missing? 2. used in past x years? Physical condition: 6. missing parts or pages? 7. broken into pieces, but all there? 8. deteriorated text or images? 9. uncopyable text or images? Institutional value: 10. probably only copy? 11. artifact value? 12. comprehensive collection? 13. would replace, if necessary? Survey questions
CASLIN Conservation Treatment SOLUTION CATEGORIES Disaster Response Plan Education Environmental Control Fire Protection Inventory Control Protective Enclosures Rebind and Repair Replacement
CASLIN Setting Priorities: Conceptual Model Access + Housing Exposure Exposure + Condition Risk Exposure + Condition Risk Risk + Value PRIORITY Risk + Value PRIORITY
CASLIN Determining Exposure: Decision Matrix demandforaccess high low poorgood housing EXPOSURE (high - low) (high - low) highexpmedexp. med.exp.lowexp.
CASLIN Determining Risk: Decision Matrix exposure high low poorgood condition RISK RISK (high - none) highrisk med medrisk medrisklowrisk lowrisknorisk
CASLIN Setting Priorities: Decision Matrix risk high med low highnormal value PRIORITY (1st - 4th) (1st - 4th) 1st 2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th
CASLIN Management Reports WholeCollection Materials in Demand High Value Materials Materials in Demand
CASLIN Targeting Resources Whole collection High Value Materials in Demand in Demand Materials in Demand
CASLIN Determining Strategy for Implementation preservationpriority 1 high low preservation feasibility STRATEGYforImplementation now nearterm neartermmed.term med.term longterm longterm never?
CASLIN Benefits of Needs Assessment Determines scope and scale of problems Determines scope and scale of problems Recommends solutions Recommends solutions Sets priorities for action Sets priorities for action Targets finite resources to highest priorities Targets finite resources to highest priorities Promotes multi-institutional cooperation Promotes multi-institutional cooperation - shared concepts and terms - shared concepts and terms - shared priorities - shared priorities
CASLIN Tools for Decision-making in Calipr Random sampling to avoid personal bias Random sampling to avoid personal bias Rule sets to teach and assist non-experts Rule sets to teach and assist non-experts Decision matrices to handle multiple factors Decision matrices to handle multiple factors Venn diagrams to target resources Venn diagrams to target resources
CASLIN Workshop topic: What kinds of decisions do libraries make that could benefit from decision-making tools like Calipr? What kinds of decisions do libraries make that could benefit from decision-making tools like Calipr?