Starting the Planning Process & Assessing Needs HSC 489
Presentation Overview Starting the Process Convince decision-makers Build a rationale Create a committee Assessing Needs What’s a need? Types of data 4 steps of the process
Plan: (verb) – to engage in a process/procedure to develop a method of achieving an end. Different Reasons a Program Starts: - an obvious need - current successful program
Convince the Decision-Makers For Resources $ staff facilities equipment supplies utilities time! For Support acceptance policies visibility priority credibility
Build a rationale (Sources of info in building a rationale) 1. Needs assessment data 2. Epi data 3. Economic impact & cost effectiveness 4. Value/benefit of program to decision makers 5. Other successful programs 6. Comparison of proposed program w/ nation or state
Create a rationale sequence Start global Narrow to local State problem Describe solution Point out benefits State why successful Provide references
A good planning committee helps! Other Stakeholders Community reps “Doers” Influencers Sponsoring agency Good Leadership A Solid Committee
Needs assessment contributes to.. PROGRAMS Program planning Program implementation Program evaluation Marketing COMMUNITY Policy development Assets mapping & capacity-building Community coalition development Research
What’s a need? Issue Choice Actual needs (service needs) Perceived needs (service demands) Kinds of data primary secondary
Begin with open- ended questions Involve community members “Community-check” goals & assumptions Frequently report progress/results For Community Involvement
Needs Assessment Focus Risk Factors: Health Environmental Behavioral Others Capacities: Resources & assets Strengths Potential
Conducting a Needs Assessment Step 1: Determine purpose and scope Step 2: Gather data Step 3: Analyze data Step 4: Identify data-linked factors Step 5: Identify program focus Step 6: Validate prioritized needs