SLU Laboratory Elementary School “ The Wealth In Me” Grades 6-8.


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Presentation transcript:

SLU Laboratory Elementary School “ The Wealth In Me” Grades 6-8

Unit Plan Summary: Children now more than ever are becoming restless and are part of statistics for a number of diseases. This unit intends to let them realize the importance of their health. The students will be asked to assume the role of a documentarian and a profiler of a healthy and a sick person. The profiles have to be written on the class wiki site. They should be able to create a brochure that will give practical means of maintaining one’s health.

Essential Question Who is truly wealthy?

Unit Questions Why do people always say health is wealth ? How do relationships with family and friends bring about my overall health? What are the physical and mental needs of a person? What are the effects of physical and mental state to one’s health? Content Questions

Benefits of Using Project Approaches, Ongoing Assessment, and CFQs in My Unit Students use their writing skills to write a simple profile about a person they perceive to be practicing a healthy lifestyle. Their writing has a real audience—a healthy and an unhealthy person. Students collaborate with peers to interview a person in their community. They learn writing and thinking skills while they are working on the project. Throughout the project they give and receive feedback on their work.

By Using Project Approaches, Ongoing Assessment, and CFQs My Students Will:  Experience interviewing and interacting with real persons and to be able to publish results of their outputs using technology to enhance their learning  Gain self-assessment and self-direction skills that they will use and build on all year long

Gauging Student Needs Assessment I will use my Essential and Unit Questions to: Find out what students think about what wealth truly means and why we always say that health is wealth. Gather information on higher-order thinking and 21 st century skills: By synthesizing the health habits of the persons interviewed by all the groups By taking a stand in promoting the importance of practicing good health habits

Gauging Student Needs Assessment What I will learn from the assessment What my students think about health habits and What writing process my students use What my students will gain from the assessment An articulation of their thoughts about a healthy person A chance to set goals in maintaining a healthy life

My Goals Learn about different kinds of technology that will motivate my students Find ways to get my students to do more activities requiring higher-order thinking Learn from other teachers some strategies for helping students do projects

Let’s Have a Great Year!