Evaluation pbismaryland.org
How do we get data we need when all are so strapped for time? Online tools. Returning teams submit data Form A: (TIC) and Form C: (Coaches’ Checklist) only in September, December, March and June. Form A: (TIC)Form C: (Coaches’ Checklist)Form A: (TIC)Form C: (Coaches’ Checklist) Form I: IPI (Implementation Phases Inventory) is completed every Fall and Spring by coaches or other outside evaluators. Form I: IPI (Implementation Phases Inventory) Form I: IPI (Implementation Phases Inventory) How do we give data districts and state team members need? How do we know that schools are implementing with fidelity? The Administration link on provides links to LSS specific data in a secure environment. (sample) (sample) (sample) State level data is available as well through a separate login. What impact does PBIS have on climate? Cost/Benefit Analysis worksheet allows schools and locals to calculate the instructional time recovered by decreased ODRS. Cost/Benefit Analysis Cost/Benefit Analysis pbismaryland.org
Using evaluation data for active decision-making SET –Exemplar status is obtained by achieving at least 80%. –Exemplar schools are asked to showcase their efforts at county/regional/state meetings and occasionally are invited to present at national meetings. Forms A and C –Data must be submitted according to schedule in order for a school to be invited to the Summer Institute. –Items are reviewed by coaches to help determine areas of interest for future training events. Needs Assessment –Obtained on last day of Summer Institute. Created and compiled by JHU’s Catherine Bradshaw and reviewed at State Leadership Team’s monthly meeting. Evaluations from Summer Institute –In-depth review of plenary and breakout sessions help us determine the content of future meetings. SWIS –Aggregate data compiled by U of O helped us learn that most referrals were from the classroom and were for disruption. –Tailored training breakouts to address this global issue. Self Assessment –Helped to structure a long-term action plan and determine needs. Political support Funding pbismaryland.org