11 th Grade PEP Post-Secondary & Financial Planning
Overview 1.Review college entrance requirements o Introduce college admissions/application types o Review HEARS Academic Subject Requirements o Calculate student’s Index Scores and compare with Index Score requirements for Colorado colleges o Introduce safety, match, and reach schools o Play selective college admissions sorting game o Demonstrate how to research admissions requirements on Naviance. If time, allow students to practice and complete worksheet. 2.Review financial aid resources 3.Complete scholarship search 4.Practice sample scholarship application
College Admissions Types Early Decision (ED) o Usually apply in November and hear back in December o Early admissions option that is binding (i.e. if accepted, student MUST attend that college) Early Action (EA) o Usually apply between November and mid December and hear back in January or February o Early admissions option that is not binding (i.e. if accepted, free to apply to other colleges to compare financial aid options) Regular Decision/Admissions o Usually apply between December and February and hear back between March and mid April Rolling Admissions o Apply anytime and hear back within 4-8 weeks o These colleges accept applications on case-by-case basis until they’ve filled all their sports in their freshman class. Applying early could improve chances of acceptance and the availability of financial aid Common Application o Students can fill in one form online and send to over 400 Common Application member colleges or universities.
Academic Subject Requirements Academic Area2010+ Graduates English4 years Mathematics (must include Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II, or equivalent) 4 years Natural/Physical Sciences (2 units must be lab-based) 3 years Social Sciences (at least one unit of US or World History) 3 years Foreign Language1 year Academic Electives2 years HEARS (Higher Ed Admissions Requirements = Entry requirements for students planning to attend a Colorado public 4-year college or university Exceptions: Some colleges may have additional standards or Minimum Academic Preparation Requirements (MAPS). Private colleges may set their own admissions standards Public 2-year colleges have open enrollment policies
2. Click the “College Planning” Tab 3. Click “Prepare for College” 4.Scroll down until you find “Calculate my index score for four-year Colorado colleges” 1. Go to
Index Score Requirements 1.Click the “New Applicant” tab and enter your academic information to calculate your Index Score (GPA, ACT) 2.Click the “Institutions” tab to compare your Index Score and GPA to those required by Colorado colleges
Safety, Match, and Reach Schools Safety School o People recommend selecting 1 safety school o This is a school with flexible admissions standards. Their is little to no chance of rejection from these schools. Match School o People recommend selecting 2-4 match schools o Not only would you be happy attending these schools, but you fit within these school’s general admissions criteria. Reach School o People recommend selecting 1 or 2 “reach” school o Reach schools are your dream schools. They are more competitive schools that may be less likely to accept you. Your qualifications may fall slightly short of the college averages. o (E.g. even if you just miss the GPA or Index Score cutoff, this doesn’t mean you won’t be accepted or can’t apply.)
Beyond ACT & GPA Review/brainstorm: o When all the students meet the standard or if a student falls just short, what other factors do colleges consider when selecting students for college admissions? Introduce the College Admissions Sorting Game o Select 10 volunteers o Follow game directions posted on wiki
College Admissions Grades in college Preparatory courses Strength of curriculum Admission Test scores Grades in All courses Essay or writing sample Student’s demonstrated interest Class rank 19% - Letters of Recommendation 7% - Extracurricular Activities While many factors are considered in college admissions, grades, challenging course selection, and test scores are still most important. Continue to challenge yourself your senior year!
Naviance Researching Admissions Requirements Open a new tab and log-in to Naviance using the following Username and Password Student ID # mmddyy Click, “Log In”
Admissions Requirements If you want a list of colleges to choose from, click “college match” and then select a college from your list If you have a college in mind, click “college lookup” and search for a college by name
Admissions Requirements Once you find a college you want to research, click the “Admissions” tab Research freshman admissions qualifications, the % accepted, test score ranges, admissions policies, and high school academic subjects required. Record answers using your handout. Go back and select a different college to compare and contrast admissions requirements between the two colleges. Record answers on your handout.
Where is the Financial Aid? Government: Grants Work Study Loans Colleges, private companies/donors, or foundations like DSF: Scholarships – 3 Types 1) Merit-based: TALENT 2) Need-based: FINANCIAL NEED 3) Lottery- everyone has an equal chance
Financial Aid Quiz nline3/game / nline3/game /
Scholarship Search (DSF) 1.Go to 2.Click “FOR STUDENTS” “High School Students” “Resources” 3.Click to view “local, regional, and national scholarships”
Scholarship Search (Naviance) Open a new tab and log-in to Naviance using the following Username and Password Student ID # mmddyy Click, “Log In”
Naviance 1) Click the colleges tab 2) Explore scholarship match and scholarship list
Scholarship List Click a category heading to sort by deadline, award amount, etc.
Scholarship Match
Practice Scholarship Application Complete your Sample Scholarship Application