Conducting Community & Program Needs Assessments
To identify and set need priorities Make decisions about community or organizational improvement Allocation of resources In this particular case to determine resource needs of your target population as related to the ACIOP award UTILIZES: A systematic approach A needs assessment plan Multiple methods of data collection Community input Evaluation of the needs assessment process and outcomes
Pre-assessment: – Its function is to determine what is already known about needs in the system; to identify issues and major areas of concern; and to decide on system boundaries, focus and purpose of the needs assessment, potential sources of data, how the information will be used, and what kinds of decisions will be made on the basis of the findings. Needs assessors develop the design and management plan for Phase 2 and sets criteria for evaluating the entire needs assessment. Assessment: – The needs assessors gather and analyze information and opinions on the needs, set preliminary priorities, and analyze causes related to all three system levels (1-3).
Post-assessment : – The bridge to use of the data and plans for action. Principal tasks are to set priorities and criteria for solutions, weigh alternative solutions, and formulate action plans for program changes or other interventions. Information on the needs assessment design, results, and recommendations for action are communicated to decision makers and other stakeholders, and relevant information is prepared for archives and other uses. The evaluation of the needs assessment itself also occurs. From Planning and Conducting a Community Needs Assessment, a Practical Guide, Witkin & Alstchuld.
From Planning and Conducting a Community Needs Assessment, a Practical Guide, Witkin & Alstchuld
Needs Assessment Evaluation Questions: 1. 1.Has a resource needs assessment been conducted for the target population? 2. 2.If so, what were the outcomes of that needs assessment? Needs Assessment Evaluation Results Reporting: 1. 1.Discuss the needs assessment process: a. a.What was the purpose? Who was the target audience? b. b.Who conducted the needs assessment? c. c.Who was involved? Were members of the target population involved? d. d.What steps did you take to complete the needs assessment? What happened in each step? (Discuss quantitatively and qualitatively)
Needs Assessment Evaluation Results Reporting: e. e.How long did it take? f. f.Were there any barriers/challenges? g. g.What lessons did you learn during the process? 2. 2.Discuss the outcomes of the needs assessment a. a.What resource priorities did the needs assessment unveil? Were these priorities anticipated before the start of the needs assessment? b. b.What are the action plans related to those priorities? c. c.How will you use the ACIO award to address those priorities?