Check out The Trigs – Educational Rock Like You’ve Never Heard Before! Jeopardy v4.0 This version features an updated timer, a setup menu, sounds, and.


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Presentation transcript:

Check out The Trigs – Educational Rock Like You’ve Never Heard Before! Jeopardy v4.0 This version features an updated timer, a setup menu, sounds, and improved graphics. The timer default is 30 seconds. To change it, go to the Setup menu. First: in order to use this program, you need to enable macros. In Office 2007, it will automatically ask if you want to enable the macros. If you have an earlier version, then use the setup menu to access instructions on how to enable them. To use this, simply edit the names of the categories to fit what you need, and then enter your questions (and answers) on the appropriate slides. Once you’ve entered all the questions, run the show. You must hit the “Start Game” button on this page (it will make sure all the questions appear). Click on the question chosen and that slide will come up. To start the timer, click the block of white squares. They will tick off to show the passage of time. When time is up, a stop sign will appear. Click the stop sign to reload the timer. To show the answer, click anywhere on the slide other than the timer or the back button. When the question has been answered, click the word “Back” in the lower right hand corner to bring yourself back to the main page. Once there, click the name of the team that got it right and enter the point value of the question. The score will be updated! Comments? Suggestions? P.S. This is, of course, a free program, but if you happen to feel like rewarding hard work with a little money, feel free to PayPal some cash to Start Game Setup

単語 © 2008 by Mr. Mayers 通訳 人称代名詞 間違えた文 Halloween Yamato について Team 1Team 2 Team 3 Team 4Team 5Team 6 Team 7 Team

単語, 100 It’s yellow. Back What color is this circle?

通訳, 100 Who is that boy? Back 英語に訳してください。 あの男子は誰ですか?

人称代名詞, 100 I Back Please tell me this 代名詞 in English! 私 「~が」、「~は」 (主 語)

間違えた文, 100 Let’s go to the baseball game. Back 間違えたところはどこですか? Lets go to the baseball game.

Halloween, 100 Pumpkin Back What’s this? (英語で答えなさい)

Yamato について, 100 Michigan Back What state (州) is Yamato from?

単語, 200 南 Back How do you say ‘South’ in Japanese?

通訳, 200 How old are you? Back 英語に訳してください。 あなたは何歳ですか?

人称代名詞, 200 Your Back Please tell me this 代名詞 in English! あなた 「~の」

間違えた文, 200 He is my brother, James. Back 間違えたところはどこですか? Who is that man? She is my brother, James.

Halloween, 200 Ghost Back What’s this? (英語で答えなさい)

Yamato について, 200 Blair Williams Back What is Yamato’s real name? (名前+名字)

単語, 300 Clean up Back English words: ________ ____ 意味 → 片付ける

通訳, 300 Don’t sleep in class. Back 英語に訳してください。 授業で寝てはいけません。

人称代名詞, 300 Them Back Please tell me this 代名詞 in English! 彼(女)ら・それら 「~を」、「~に」 (目的 語)

間違えた文, 300 What time is the Halloween party. Back 間違えたところはどこですか? What time is the halloween party? DAILY DOUBLE!

Halloween, 300 Witch Back What’s this? (英語で答えなさい)

Yamato について, 300 He is 24 years old. Back How old is Yamato?

単語, 400 She is my grandmother. Back This woman is my mother’s mother. Who is she?

通訳, 400 How many red pens do you have? Back 英語に訳してください。 あなたは赤いペンをいくつ持ています か?

人称代名詞, 400 Hers Back Please tell me this 代名詞 in English! 彼女 「~のもの」

間違えた文, 400 It’s a dog. Back 間違えたところはどこですか? What’s your favorite animal? It’s dog.

Halloween, 400 Jack-o-lantern Back What’s this? (英語で答えなさい)

Yamato について, 400 Monkey Majik Back What is Yamato’s favorite Japanese band? DAILY DOUBLE!

単語, 500 It’s kabaddi! Back What sport is this?

通訳, 500 I read a book in the park every Thursday. Back 英語に訳してください。 私は毎週木曜日に 公園で本を読みます。 DAILY DOUBLE!

人称代名詞, 500 Mine Back Please tell me this 代名詞 in English! 私 「 ~ のもの」

間違えた文, 500 My birthday is December twelfth. Back 間違えたところはどこですか? My birthday is December tweflth.

Halloween, 500 Skeleton Back What’s this? (英語で答えなさい)

Yamato について, centimeters Back What is Yamato’s shoe size? (何センチ?)

Setup Menu Set Timer Macro Instructions Daily Double Instructions Main Menu Set # Teams

Instructions For Adding A Daily Double: 1)Use Word Art to create a nice “Daily Double”. 2)Copy the word art to whichever slide(s) you want the Daily Double to be on. 3)Go to the Animations screen and choose “Custom Animation”. 4)Click the Daily Double Word Art to select it and choose “Add Effect”. There should be a great number of entrances to choose from. 5)Right click on the element that was just added to the Animation list and drag it to the top of the list. Now right click and choose “Start with Previous”. This will cause the graphic to enter when the slide is shown. Now choose “Effect Options”. The second menu box down should say After Animation. Click the arrow and choose “Hide on Next Mouse Click”. Click Ok. 6)Finally, click on the question (just the question) in the main screen. Go back to the custom animation panel and click Add Effect, then find the effect labeled “Appear”. Now, when you go to the slide, you should have an appearing Daily Double graphic which disappears and shows the question the next time the mouse is clicked. P.S. If you want to add a Daily Double sound effect, then when you go into the “Effect Options” menu to make it disappear after the mouse click, choose a sound to play. Setup

Instructions For Turning On Macros: 1)If you’re using Office 2007, then when the PowerPoint opens, there will be a status bar at the top of the screen saying macros have been disabled. There is a button that says “Options”. Choose this, and then choose “Enable” and click OK. 2)If you are using earlier versions of Office, then it is a little more complicated: A)On the top menu, choose “Tools” B)Choose “Security” C)Choose “Macros” D)You will be given three options (Low, Medium, and High). Choose Medium. E)Click OK, then close PowerPoint completely. F)Restart the program. Macros should now be enabled. To check, try running the slideshow and clicking the “Start Game” button. If nothing happens, then feel free to me at and I will try to help you Setup