ALMA Integrated Computing Team Coordination & Planning Meeting #4 Santiago, November 2014 Reporting Software Principles M Chavan, ESO R Soto, ALMA
ICT-CPM June 2014 n At CPM-3: reporting software has special status Zero-risk area – under well defined conditions Allows fast-tracking from developer to end-user, to shorten development loop n ICT-3269 created to follow up n First draft of document: Aug 2014 n Developers discussed with Release Manager n Consensus: Oct 2014 n Prototype implementation for KPI reports development History
ICT-CPM June 2014 n Tools that extract data, then process and serve it Produce HTML, PDF, XML, JSON, … n Applications that alter data are not considered RS n Subsystem Lead proposes, Release Manager approves n Reporting Software does not necessarily follow ALMA SW release cycle Reporting Software
ICT-CPM June 2014 n RS runs on dedicated Virtual Machines n Uses production database with read-only accounts Accounts are resource-limited (runaway queries, etc.) n RS is secured like all other Web applications Unless it serves public ALMA data Sandboxing (ensuring zero-risk)
ICT-CPM June 2014 n RS runs on ALMA standard Linux/Tomcat servers Uses standard configuration files in $ACSDATA/config n Any deviation from standards must be agreed upon between developers and operations Changes to kernel parameters, Tomcat configuration parameters, etc. n Any non-standard software will be installed by operations A special version of the Python interpreter, etc. n Allow the VM to be recreated quickly and reliably In case of crash, etc. Runtime environment
ICT-CPM June 2014 n Create and maintain the VM(s) where RS is running n Monitor the state of the VM, Tomcat container(s), network and database server n Provide a test environment that mimics the production environment n VM backups will be provided Crash recovery Responsibilities: Operations
ICT-CPM June 2014 n Development and phase A testing (obviously) n Installation of RS applications on the test and production environments Crash recovery n Coordination with DSO for Phase C testing and deployment to production environment n Housekeeping Which version of which tools is installed where? n First-line end-user assistance — this is a critical issue Responsibilities: Developers
ICT-CPM June 2014 n All current reports will be migrated to the RS Phase One Manager, integrated reports, etc. n Shift Log Tool special case: reporting code is delivered with desktop client and part of Web client Desktop client will invoke Web-based reports n If approved, migration will begin 1Q2015 Transition