Why Establish an Ecosystem-Atmosphere Flux Measurement Network in India? Dennis Baldocchi ESPM/Ecosystem Science Div. University of California, Berkeley
Attributes of a Flux Network New and Better Science at Larger and Longer scales –Networks are a New Tool for Biogeoscientists –Provides Data from a Spectrum of Time (day, season, year, decade), Space (Biomes, Climate, Treatments, Vegetation Structure and Function) –Facilitate temporal analysis –Facilitate spatial comparisons across environmental gradients and across biomes –Documented institutional memory Provide an integrated database for synthesis and modeling –Long-term accessibility of data –Back-up and security of data Share developing methodologies and instrumentation –Establish Standards –Shared Calibration Facilities –Redundancy and Back-up of Instrumentation –Training for Next Generation of Scientists –Educational Outreach on Environment to the Public
Contribute to National Goals of Measuring Environmental Health and Trends Changes in Trace Gas Concentration in the Atmosphere is due to Fluxes into and out of the Atmosphere –Address societal issues with regards to What, Where, Why and Will Be? Carbon Fluxes assess Ecosystem Metabolism –Breathing of the Biosphere –Gauge to assess Efficacy of Environmental Mitigation or Impacts of Stress Water Fluxes assess Evaporation Component of Water Balance –Water supply for people and agriculture Energy Fluxes and Meteorology –Boundary and initial condition of weather and climate models
Gap in Global Network- FLUXNET
Distinct Vegetation on the Indian SubContinent Tropical Forests Subtropical vegetation Temperate Forests Croplands Wetlands/Swamps/ Marshes Mangroves
India Possess Regions with Unique Biodiversity
India Possesses Regions of High Productivity
India Possesses many Distinct Climates and Extremes Climate Extremes –HOT and Humid Seasonal/Monsoon Tropical/Humid SubTropic/Semi-Arid Arid Himalayan/Cold Montane
Typical Goals of Flux Networks quantify the spatial differences in carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange rates that may be experienced within and across natural ecosystems and climatic gradients; quantify temporal dynamics and variability (seasonal, inter-annual) of carbon, water and energy flux densities; such data allows us to examine the influences of phenology, droughts, heat spells, El Nino, length of growing season and presence or absence of snow on canopy-scale fluxes; and quantify the variations of carbon dioxide and water vapor fluxes due to changes in insolation, temperature, soil moisture, photosynthetic capacity, nutrition, canopy structure and ecosystem functional type Quantify Trends due to environmental mitigation or stresses Quantify Perturbations, land use change, Pollution, Deforestation, Re-Forestation
Specific goals in support of these objectives include : Sharing data, and the Science PlanSharing dataScience Plan Quantifying the magnitude of net annual CO2 exchange in major ecosystem/biome types (natural and managed) Determining the response of CO2 fluxes to changes in environmental factors and climate changes Providing information on processes controlling CO2 flux and net ecosystem productivity Providing site-specific calibration and verification data for process- based CO2 flux models Addressing scaling issues (spatial and temporal) Ensuring quality controlled and quality assured data collection Coordinating news Exchanging flux data and ecological data with other flux networksother flux networks
AmeriFlux To establish an infrastructure for guiding, collecting, synthesizing, and disseminating long- term measurements of CO2, water, and energy exchange from a variety of ecosystems. To collect critical new information to help define the current global CO2 budget. To enable improved predictions of future concentrations of atmospheric CO2. To enhance understanding of carbon fluxes, Net Ecosystem Production (NEP), and carbon sequestration in the terrestrial biosphere.