beautiful, nutrition, protects, ripens, streams Vocabulary: From Seed to Plant beautiful, nutrition, protects, ripens, streams
From Seed to Plant Click on each word to see the definition! Read each vocabulary word and the definition. beautiful nutrition protects ripens streams Click on each word to see the definition! B. Take a Quiz???
beautiful My family enjoyed the beautiful sunset at the beach. Meaning: very pretty Sentence: My family enjoyed the beautiful sunset at the beach.
nutrition Fruits and vegetables are full of nutrition. Meaning: food part that is needed for life and growth Sentence: Fruits and vegetables are full of nutrition.
protects The fence protects the mailman from the angry dog. Meaning: keeps safe from harm Sentence: The fence protects the mailman from the angry dog.
ripens A tomato turns from green to red as it ripens. Meaning: matures and becomes ready to eat Sentence: A tomato turns from green to red as it ripens.
streams Many plants and animals live near streams. Meaning: small rivers; brooks Sentence: Many plants and animals live near streams.
From Seed to Plant Vocabulary Quiz DIRECTIONS: Read each question and click on the correct answer. If you get it wrong use the arrow button to go back to the question and try again. Click on the buttons to go to the next question.
A. protects B. beautiful C. nutrition D. streams Many fish and wild animals live in or near ________________. A. protects B. beautiful C. nutrition D. streams NEXT QUESTION
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A mother bear _____________ her cubs from enemies. A. protects B. streams C. nutrition D. beautiful NEXT QUESTION
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A. nutrition B. ripens C. beautiful D. protects It was a ______________ day for having a picnic at the park. A. nutrition B. ripens C. beautiful D. protects NEXT QUESTION
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As the orange ____________, it goes from being green to dark orange. A. streams B. ripens C. nutrition D. protects NEXT QUESTION
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A. streams B. ripens C. nutrition D. beautiful Fruits and vegetables give our bodies lots of _____________, vitamins, and minerals. A. streams B. ripens C. nutrition D. beautiful NEXT QUESTION
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