Unit 5 Coffee and Tea
Basic Vocabulary Of drink mineral water 矿 泉水 milk shake 奶昔 yoghurt 酸奶 bean milk 豆奶 lemonade 柠檬水 Fruit juice 果汁 strawberry syrup 草莓露 soda water 苏打水 Coke/Coca cola 可 乐 Pepsi cola 百事可 乐 Sprite 雪碧 dragon-well tea 龙 井茶 Pu ’ er tea 普洱茶 jasmine tea 茉莉花 茶 oolong tea 乌龙茶 Tieh-Kuan-Yin 铁观 音 black tea 红茶 green tea 绿茶 chrysanthemum tea 菊花茶 ice tea 冰红茶 barley tea 大麦茶 Bi Luo Chun 碧螺 春 Bohea tea 武夷茶 boiled water 开水 ice water 冰水 instant coffee 速溶 咖啡 black coffee 黑咖 啡 white coffee 牛奶 咖啡 vegetable juice 蔬 菜汁 coconut milk 椰子 汁
Advanced Vocabulary Of drink white spirit/ white liquor 白酒 yellow wine 黄酒 red wine 红葡萄 酒 white wine 白葡萄 酒 ginseng liquor 人参 酒 hard liquor 烈性酒 low alcohol 低度酒 Maotai 茅台酒 Shaoxing wine 绍 兴酒 fruit wine 果酒 Bamboo-leaf- green liquor 竹叶青 draught beer 鲜啤 酒 canned beer 罐装啤 酒 beer foam 啤酒沫 light beer 淡啤酒 champagne 香槟酒 whisky 威士忌酒 gin 松子酒 vodka 伏特加 martin 马提尼酒 haw wine 山楂酒 sake 青酒 cocktail 鸡尾酒 brandy 白兰地 rum 郎姆酒 Budweiser 百威啤 酒 Carlsberg 嘉士伯 啤酒 Tsingtao beer 青岛 啤酒 Snowflake beer 雪 花啤酒 Red Rock 红石梁 啤酒
1. – How are you holding up? – I'm okay. – How are you ? – I'm fine. 2. – A – piece of cake – Extremely easy. 3. – Okie-dokie – Okay.
4. – That's something. – It sounds great/That could work 5. – Let me foot the bill for this – Let me pay money for this.
L et's start at the very beginning a very good place to start when you read you begin with a-b-c when you sing you begin with do-re- mi do-re-mi, do-re-mi T he first three notes just happen to be do-re-mi, do-re-mi do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti D oe, a deer, a female deer R ay, a drop of golden sun M e, a name i call myself F ar, a long, long way to run S ew, a needle pulling thread L a, a note to follow sew T ea, a drink with jam and bread T hat will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) D oe, a deer, a female deer R ay, a drop of golden sun M e, a name i call myself F ar, a long, long way to run S ew, a needle pulling thread L a, a note to follow sew T ea, a drink with jam and bread T hat will bring us back to do (oh-oh-oh) do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do-do-do