27-Sep-05 PHENIX Overview: Physics, Experiment, Collaboration W.A. Zajc for the PHENIX Collaboration
27-Sep-05 Summary l PHENIX is a q unique collaboration q pursuing unique physics q at a unique experimental facility
27-Sep-05 RHIC- the unique facility
27-Sep-05 l l We have a theory of the strong interaction: It works well except when the interaction is strong! l To understand fundamental aspects of the strong interaction: q Where does the proton get its spin? Why is RHIC? q q How does nuclear matter “melt”?
27-Sep-05 The Fascinating Connection l These two aspects of the RHIC program are closely related l The unifying concept: CHIRALITY q In particle physics, chirality refers to the orientation between the spin and momentum of a particle q In QCD, u right-handed quarks u and u left-handed quarks q are independent degrees of freedom q However, confinement necessarily mixes this degrees of freedom: l A gluon can not change a quark’s chirality: l But confinement requires chirality change: Bag Wall =
27-Sep-05 l The chirality changes required by confinement are mediated by the “chiral condensate” which fills the “vacuum” except inside hadrons: A Better Picture Bag Wall
27-Sep-05 RHIC’s Experiments STAR
27-Sep-05 PHENIX Design
27-Sep Countries; 62 Institutions; 550 Participants* *as of March 2005 Collaboration, 2005
27-Sep-05 Collaboration Status l Healthy q Wide-ranging participation in u Data analysis u Shift support ( 309 individuals in Run-5 !) u Upgrades program l Continued growth: Year Institutions Nations Participants
27-Sep-05 STAR Collective Flow PHENIX Jet Quenching CGC Saturation Four major “day 1” discoveries Baryon anomaly PHENIX Scientific Impact As presented by M. Gyulassy in June, 2004 to Nuclear Science Advisory Committee As presented by M. Gyulassy in June, 2004 to Nuclear Science Advisory Committee Ideal Hydro Works Baryons Not Suppressed Mesons Are Strongly Suppressed “Low” Total Multiplicities
27-Sep-05 Accomplishments and Discoveries l First measurement of the dependence of the charged particle pseudo-rapidity density and the transverse energy on the number of participants in Au+Au collisions at s NN =130 GeV; systamatic study of same versus energy.charged particle pseudo-rapidity density the transverse energy systamatic study of same versus energy. l Discovery of high p T suppression in 0 and charged particle production in Au+Au collisions at s NN =130 GeV and a systematic study of the scaling properties of the suppression; extension of these results to much higher transverse momenta in Au+Au collisions at s NN =200 GeVhigh p T suppression in 0 and charged particle production extension of these results to much higher transverse momenta l (Co)-Discovery of absence of high p T suppression in d+Au collisions at s NN =200 GeV.absence of high p T suppression in d+Au collisions l Discovery of the anomalously large proton and anti-proton yields at high transverse momentum in Au+Au collisions at s NN =130 GeV through the systematic study of ±, K ±, p ± spectra; measurement of and anti- in Au+Au collisions at s NN =130 GeV ; study of the scaling properties of the proton and anti-proton yields, of production and d and dbar production n Au+Au collisions at s NN =200 GeV.anomalously large proton and anti-proton yields at high transverse momentum measurement of and anti- scaling properties of the proton and anti-proton yields production d and dbar production l Measurement of HBT correlations in + + and - - pairs in Au+Au collisions at s NN =130 GeV, establishing the ``HBT puzzle'' of R OUT ~ R SIDE extends to high pair momentum; extension of these results to s NN = 200 GeV Measurement of HBT correlations extension of these results l First measurement of single electron spectra in Au+Au collisions at s NN =130 GeV, suggesting that charm production scales with the number of binary collisions.single electron spectra l Sensitive measures of charge fluctuations and fluctuations in mean p T and transverse energy per particle in Au+Au collisions at at s NN =130~GeV; role of jets in p T fluctuations at 200 GeVcharge fluctuations fluctuations in mean p T and transverse energy role of jets in p T fluctuations l Measurements of elliptic flow for charged particles from Au+Au collisions at s NN =130 GeV and identified charged hadrons from Au+Au collisions at s NN =200 GeV along with study of the saturation of the azimuthal flow.elliptic flow for charged particles identified charged hadrons study of the saturation of the azimuthal flow l Extensive study of hydrodynamic flow, particle yields, ratios and spectra from Au+Au collisions at s NN =130 GeV and 200 GeV.hydrodynamic flow, particle yields, ratios and spectra 200 GeV l First observation of J/ production in Au+Au collisions at s NN =200 GeV.J/ production in Au+Au collisions l Measurement of crucial baseline data on 0 spectra, J/ production and direct photon production in p+p collisions at s NN =200~GeV. 0 spectra J/ production direct photon production in p+p collisions l First measurement of direct photon production in Au+Au collisions at s NN =200 GeV, demonstrating that photon yields scaleswith the number of binary collisions.direct photon production in Au+Au collisions l First observation of heavy flavor flow in Au+Au collisions at s NN = 200 GeVheavy flavor flow in Au+Au collisions l First measurement of A LL ( o ) in p+p collisions at s NN =200 GeVA LL ( o ) in p+p collisions l First study of jet structure of baryon excess in Au+Au collisions at s NN =200 GeVjet structure of baryon excess l First study of nuclear modification factor in d+Au collisions in forward and backward region at s NN =200 GeVnuclear modification factor in d+Au collisions in forward and backward region
27-Sep-05 Public Recognition l along with National Public Radio, WCBS, Times of India, Nature, New Scientist, Science News, Public Radio International, Physics Today, Swedish National Radio, The Chronicle of Higher Education, San Francisco Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, Slashdot, Der Spiegel, AOL, Cern Courier, CNN, Discover, Bild der Wissenschaft, Die Welt, Times of London, Yahoo, Fox News, Hungarian National Press, … l u Scientists Report Hottest, Densest Matter Ever Observed Quark-gluon plasma discovery key in examining universe, scientists say Intriguing Oddities In High- Energy Nuclear Collisions. Has RHIC Set Quarks Free at Last? Physicists Don't Quite Say So A Matter of Accomplishment Big Bang experiment strikes gold
27-Sep-05 PHENIX Recognition l l Currently the world’s most sophisticated nuclear physics experiment l l World-class discoveries and measurements in q q Heavy ion physics q q Spin physics
27-Sep-05 Data Analysis at Wako Data transfer between RCF (BNL) and CC-J (RIKEN): data sample: 260 TB rate : 60MB/sec. duration : ~11 weeks RIKEN/CCJ: Yasuhi Watanabe, Satoshi Yokkaichi, Takashi Ichihara PHENIX : Martin Purschke, Mickey Chiu, Hiro Hiejima RCF : Dantong Yu, Shigeki Misawa, Terry Healy, Razvan Popescu, John Riordan
27-Sep-05 PHENIX Leadership l Present q Y. Akiba (RIKEN), Deputy Spokesperson q N. Saito (Kyoto), Executive Council l Past q S. Nagamiya (then Columbia), Spokesperson q H. En’yo (then Kyoto), Executive Council q H. Hamagaki (CNS), Executive Council q K. Imai (Kyoto), Executive Council
27-Sep-05 Astro- physics Weak matrix elements RIKEN/RHIC/BNL Physics QCD Spin Dynamics Lattice Studies Heavy Ion Collisions The “wave-function” of the proton BNL + RIKEN