CSTNet & GLORIAD Update Baoping Yan, Kai Nan Computer Network Information Center,CAS APAN19 Bangkok Jan. 28, 2005
Agenda CSTNET GLORIAD HK IOEP (HKLight) Applications
Computer Network Information Center Chinese Academy of Sciences
Introduction of CSTNET Base on the NCFC and the network of CAS Opened the first Internet link of China 1994 One of the top large scale networks in China.cn top domain service Cover more than 20 provinces, 100 institutes, and 1,000,000 end users Large scale upgrade in Bandwidths –Backbone 2.5G –MAN link 1G –WAN link 155M CNGI –7 nodes (cooperating with China Netcom)
Introduction of CSTNET (cont’) Dedicating into: –Upgrading IT Infrastructure –Constructing Scientific Research Environment –Developing Key IT Technologies –Demonstrating Science Applications A better platform to support advanced science applications A good testing platform for research on next generation Internet
CSTNET Network Architecture
Our Network Management
Network Meteorology Graph
Network Security Work
CAS Mail System
Current Status Of CSTNet Internet Connections 155M 155M
Ongoing Developing Scheme 2.5G-10G 10G
International Collaboration Internet2, May, 2000 PRAGMA, March, 2002 GLORIAD, January, 2004 – –UT/ORNL(US), Kurchatov Institute(RU) TransPAC APAN KISTI, NICT, …
CNGI GigaPoPs XinJiang XiZang 兰州 NeiMengGu NingXia 西安 ShanXi HeBei 郑州 武汉 南京 合肥 上海 YunNan GuiZhou 长沙 JiangXi GuangXi 广 州 HaiNan JiLin TaiWan 成都 QingHai 济南 重庆 CERNET CHINA TELECOM (中国电信) CNC/CSTNET ( 中国网通 / 中科院) CHINA MOBILE ( 中国移动 ) CHINA UNICOM (中国联通) CHINA TIETONG (中国铁通) 杭州 沈阳 天津 HongKong HeiLongJiang LiaoNing 北京 ShanDong JiangSu ZheJiang FuJian GuangDong HuNan HuBei HeNan AnHui ShaanXi GanSu SiChuan 长春 昆明 深圳 厦门
CNGI Interconnect among ISPs
Our Achievement In CNGI China Netcom/CSTNet establishes 7 GigaPoPs in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Changchun, Chengdu, Lianzhou and the network management center. CNC/CSTNET CNGI Network Management Center 2.5Gbps10GE 2*2.5Gbps Shenyang Changchun LanZhou 广州 Beijing IX Shanghai IX Shanghai Beijing Guangzhou Chengdu GE
GLORIAD is the first global high-speed network around the north hemisphere. GLORIAD is driven directly by the requirements from scientists and science applications in China, US and Russia. GLORIAD will not only serve for scientists of the three countries, but also become a platform for scientists across the world.
Introduction to GLORIAD Co-developed (and to-be-co-funded) by U.S., Russia, China, Korea Expanded capacity for science and education collaboration (10 Gbps) Grand“Global Ring” topology for reliability and advanced Internet applications Essential for supporting advanced S&E applications (particularly HEP, Astronomy, Atmospheric Sciences, Bioinformatics, optical network research, network security research)
GLORIAD Background 1998, US-Russia NaukaNet –Sponsored by Russian Min&Sci Org and U.S NSF –Bandwidth 6 M 45M 155M (2003) –NaukaNet finished in Fall 2003 Jan 2004, US-Russia-China, little GLORIAD ( M) July 2004, Korea (KISTI) joined
The 4 Layer GLORIAD Model Application Communities Scientists, educators, public organizations, students Collaboration Framework Middleware/grid tools, technologies tying together networks, computers and communities Sculpted Network Platform Ethernet (layer 2) switching, IPv6 migration, Network monitoring and management (scheduling, allocation) tools Lightwave/Lambda Ring Lambda-based network; optical switching
GLORIAD in Science Applications Focus –Sharing Scientific Data –Sharing Scientific Equipment –Cooperation on research projects –Improve research methods with digitalization, Informatization Most interesting areas –High Energy Physics –Astronomy –Bioscience –Geo Science –Environment –Atmosphere
Milestones of GLORIAD : Both US and Russia, the partners of NaukaNet program, proposed that China, as a new strategic partner, join this program : National Science Foundation(NSF) contacted with CAS : CAS officially approved that CNIC, representing CAS, initiate this China-US-Russia Network program : US & Russia delegates visited CNIC, CAS. MoU was signed by 3 States : A couple of video conferences about GLORIAD : CNIC delegates visited US. A contract with Tyco Telecommunication was signed.
Milestones of GLORIAD (cont’) : China-US-Russia Network GLORIAD Grand Opening Ceremony held in Beijing : Korea (KISTI) joined GLORIAD : HKIOEP (HKLight) announced by CNIC,CAS : GLORIAD got NSF IRNC Award : HK-JP 1G link up : HK-TW 1G link up
GLORIAD Grand Opening Ceremony GLORIAD Grand Opening Ceremony CAS Headquarter Jan.12, 2004
GLORIAD Birdy View
Current GLORIAD network speeds
Hong Kong Internet Open Exchange Point Nov 23, 2004, the Beijing-Hong Kong section of the "China-US- Russia Global Ring Network for Advanced Applications Development (GLORIAD)" has been upgraded to 2.5G On the same day, the Chinese Academy of Sciences formally announced a plan to establish the next generation light wave "Hong Kong Internet Open Exchange Point-HK Light“ HK Light is the first Open Exchange Point in Asia HK Light will serve as a venue with high-speed(proposed to be 10G) networks coming from Japan, South Korea and China Taiwan etc. Other States as Singapore, India and Australia are also very much interested in it.
HK Internet Open Exchange Point
HK Light Press Conference
Media Coverage on HK IOEP 11/30/content_ htm
HK IOEP Launch
HK IOEP Launch (cont.) CAS President Lu visited HK IOEP on December 15, 2004
HK IOEP News Release
APAN–– Link to NICT JP
HK IOEP Updates Link to NICT JP at 1G, Dec Link to ASNet TW at 1G, on Jan. 26, 2005 Implement link to KREONET2 KR with 10G, July 2005 Upgrade link to Chicago to 2.5G in the first half of 2005 and 10G in the second
Busan China HKLight Korea KREONet2 MSPP 10 GigE switch or switch router or router 10G primary (SONET/SDH) 10G backup (SONET/SDH) KREONETCSTNET Hong Kong 10 GigE HKLight-Korea Connection Plan
CAS e-Science Observation &Experiment Computation & Simulation Theory Analysis Communication & Collaboration Networks Specimen Library Database Documentation Storage Facility Computing Facility Supercomputer Center Videoconference & On-line Forum Experiments & Field Stations Software Tools
Applications High Energy Physics Virtual Observatory Remote sensing Scientific Data Grid CADAL Web-based public science education e-Science
regional group physics group Tier2 Lab a Uni a Lab m Lab b Uni y Uni x Tier3 physics department Desktop Germany Japan UK France Italy USA Netherlands Nordic Tier-1 CERN Tier 0 Spain Canada Uni b physics group Lab c Uni n
LCG LCG on e-Science (EGEE…) ~ 100,000 CPU Storage : PB Network link : 10Gbps
Cosmic ray air-shower array detector China-Japan Collaboration Yangbajing, Tibet 4300m a.s.l.
ARGO Experiment Hall: RPC carpet IHEP-INFN collaboration, Yangbajing ARGO RPC carpet project – – detectors – –raw data: 200TB/year – –reconstruction data: 20TB/year – –computing power: 400+ CPUs
Chandr a Hubble MMT Smm array VLA Antartica submmMagellan 6.5m Whipple -ray SIRTF Oak Ridge 1.2m C O VO = World Wide Telescope
RadioFar-InfraredVisible Visible + X-ray Dust Map Galaxy Density Map multi-band data
a little demo for China Virtual Observatory
Remote Sensing Application
Scientific Data Grid (SDG) Scientific Data Grid (SDG) is a typical project of CAS e-Science, also a pilot. SDG is built upon the mass scientific data resources of the Scientific Database (SDB). SDB is a long-term project since 1983, in which there are multi-disciplinary scientific data accumulated through the course of science activities in CAS. The vision of SDG is to take valuable data resources into full play by benefiting from advanced information technologies, in particular, the Grid technology.
Data Resources Scientific Database (SDB) –45 institutions across 16 cities –313 databases –8.2TB total volume –Cover a lot of disciplines Chemistry, Biology, Geosciences, Environment, Astronomy, High energy physics, …
SDG Platform Data Center –59 nodes of DeepComp 6800 –20TB SAN Storage –TFLOPS-scale computing
CADAL China-US Million Book Digital Library Project Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Science (GSCAS) –one of leading sites –north node –partners: Peking University, Zhejiang University, …
四川大学 吉林大学 西安交通大学 武汉大学 中山大学 清华大学 上海交通大学 南京大学 北京大学 中国科学院研究生院 复旦大学 浙江大学 北京师范大学 华中科技大学 The China-US Million Book Digital Library Project
Example English book on China Site
CADAL - Data Volume scanned images: –1 million books, 375 pages/book, 100+ KB/page 40TB –both original and processed images 80TB text: –1500 characters/page 1TB –count in index, 2TB multimedia: –arts, audio/video, cultural heritage 10TB Total: ~100TB
CADAL - Requirements Storage –backend: 100TB –front-end: 10TB –exchange with other countries: 100TB++ Network –Data (English) upload from processing centers (across the country) –Exchange of Chinese and English data between north and south nodes – International exchange: US, India, Australia – Query and Retrieval Services (worldwide)
Web-based Public Science Education Internet is being a new media Doing science education on line is an important application on the NGI Science Museums of China – –60+ Chinese Virtual Mesuems –10+ English Virtual Mesuems –more than 20k users per day
Museum of Ceramics
Panda Museum – Remote observation
e-Science Planning in Future CAS 11 th Five-year Informatization Program ( ) –Continue to develop the infrastructure and existing applications SDB, NSDL, HPC, CASNet, ARP-2, … –e-Science Facility Networks of field stations/instruments, Mobile equip., Digital library of natural resources –e-Science Applications HEP, Astro, Bio, Geo, Chemistry, … –Resource Integration Platform Glue between infrastructure and e-Science facility –Supporting Environment for Applications Glue between facility and applications