DEMOGRAPHICS 20% are Uni Graduates 18% are Professional / Manager 14% are self employed 79% are Main Grocery Buyers 45% HHI over $100K+ 43% live with older kids in the home ATTITUDES & ACTIVITIES Top attitudes are dominated by the influence of children when shopping. 56% see work as more than just a job with over 70% feeling its essential that they plan for the future. They 32% more likely to find it difficult to balance work and leisure. Weekends are spent shopping at supermarkets, malls and going to restaurants. They are also more likely to look at renovating their home in the next 12 months 83 % PEOPLE Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media Insights Survey (Jan-Dec12) Base: People who are Outdoor Observers 1,413,000 people 83 % seen Billboard advertising in the past week PEOPLE ,000 PEOPLE (26% OF PEOPLE WHO ARE OUTDOOR OBSERVERS)
65% HAVE A HIGH OPPORTUNITY TO SEE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING PEOPLE Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media Insights Survey (Jan-Dec12) Base: People who are Outdoor Observers 1,413,000 people MEDIA AND OUTDOOR BEHAVIOUR Outdoor attitudes/opinions 25% seen advertising on Billboards at least once a day 33% can remember seeing roadside Billboards in the last week 56% remember seeing advertising within airports in the last week The target are more likely than the population to notice Billboards over Bus Shelters and Bus advertising Commuting to work/study 74% travel by car (alone or car pool) 15% take the bus 5% use the train On the Road each week 65% drive in traffic throughout the week PEOPLE ,000 PEOPLE (26% OF PEOPLE WHO ARE OUTDOOR OBSERVERS)
PURCHASE & INTENTION BEHAVIOUR Technology 85% have a computer in their household 93% have a mobile phone with 26% using smart phone capabilities in the last 30 days 32,000 intend to purchase a ipad / tablet in the next 12 months 8% intend to purchase a Tablet PC in the next 12 months 40% have a gaming machine in the household Finance 33% feel financially comfortable 41% have savings over $5, % have own their home or have an investment property 72% OWN A CREDIT CARD PEOPLE Source: Nielsen Consumer & Media Insights Survey (Jan-Dec12) Base: People who are Outdoor Observers 1,413,000 people PEOPLE ,000 PEOPLE (26% OF PEOPLE WHO ARE OUTDOOR OBSERVERS)