Where is Vermilion Parish?
Parishes are regions in the state of Louisiana. We are the only state in the nation that has parishes. Everyone else calls their regions Counties.
Louisiana has 64 parishes
This is where Vermilion Parish is located.
Vermilion Parish has 2 cities Abbeville – 11,187 Kaplan – 5,122 A city has more than 5,000 people
Abbeville Facts Abbeville has 11,187 people Abbeville has 11,187 people Abbeville is the parish seat and has the Parish Court House Abbeville is the parish seat and has the Parish Court House Abbeville has 2 Public Elementary Schools, 1 Middle School and 1 High School Abbeville has 2 Public Elementary Schools, 1 Middle School and 1 High School Abbeville also has 1 private Elementary School and 1 private High School. Abbeville also has 1 private Elementary School and 1 private High School. Abbeville has several festivals such as the Cattle Festival, Omelet Festival and the Daylilly Festival. Abbeville has several festivals such as the Cattle Festival, Omelet Festival and the Daylilly Festival. Abbeville has a City Hall, Post Office, Fire Station and Police Station. Abbeville has a City Hall, Post Office, Fire Station and Police Station.
Abbeville High School JH Williams Middle School
Abbeville Elementary Schools Eaton Park Elementary Herod Elementary
Two Private Schools Mount Carmel Elementary and Vermilion Catholic High School
Kaplan Facts Kaplan has 5,122 people living there. Kaplan has 1 public Elementary school, 1 middle school and one high school. Kaplan has a private elementary school. Kaplan has a City Hall, Post Office, Fire Station and Police Station. Kaplan has a festival called Bastille Day Kaplan has a Museum.
Kaplan Schools Rene Rost Middle School Kaplan High
Kaplan Elementary Private School is Maltrait Elementary
Vermilion Parish has 3 Towns Erath has 2,187 Delcambre 2,168 Gueydan 1,598 A town usually has 1,000 people
Erath Schools Erath High School
Erath Middle School and Dozier Elementary
Erath Facts Erath is a town with 2,187 people in it. Erath has 1 public elementary school, 1 middle school and 1 high school. Erath hosts the 4 th of July Celebration each year. Erath has a City Hall, Post Office, Fire Station and Police Station. Erath has the Acadian Museum.
Delcambre Facts Delcambre is a town with 2,168 people. Delcambre is a town with 2,168 people. Delcambre is in both Vermilion Parish and Iberia Parish. Delcambre is in both Vermilion Parish and Iberia Parish. Delcambre has 1 public elementary school and 1 high school. Delcambre has 1 public elementary school and 1 high school. Delcambre has the Shrimp Festival Delcambre has the Shrimp Festival Delcambre has a City Hall, Post Office, Fire Station and Police Station. Delcambre has a City Hall, Post Office, Fire Station and Police Station.
Delcambre High and Delcambre Elementary
Gueydan Facts Gueydan is a town with 1,598 people. Gueydan has 1 public elementary school, 1 high school. There is also 1 private school. Gueydan has the Duck Festival Gueydan has a City Hall, Post Office, Fire Station and Police Station. Gueydan had a Museum.
Gueydan High School Jesse Owens Elementary
Vermilion Parish has one incorporated Village named Maurice. Less than 1,000 people.
Maurice Elementary
Maurice Facts Maurice has 652 people Maurice is a village. Maurice has 1 elementary school Maurice students go to high school at North Vermilion when they reach the 7 th grade. Maurice has a post office.
Other Places to Learn About…. Perry Meaux Pecan Island Cow Island Henry Forked Island Indian Bayou
Vermilion Parish has many rural communities. Forked Island Elementary and District 13 Fire Station.
Henry, Louisiana
Indian Bayou Community
Pecan Island, Louisiana
Perry/Seventh Ward Area
Meaux and North Vermilion Area
The End