Module 1: Identity Goals Understand how to do a close reading of a text Annotate a text effectively Understand plot elements and literary terms
WHAT TO WATCH FOR Why would the director use masks? Why would the director use masks? What does it mean when someone changes masks? What does it mean when someone changes masks? How do we all wear masks? How do we all wear masks? What parts of school require masks? What parts of school require masks? How does the story the Cave come in to play? How does the story the Cave come in to play? How does the description of chess come in to play? How does the description of chess come in to play? What happens when the mask chips? What happens when the mask chips?
Watch again… This time, jot down things that you notice. This time, jot down things that you notice. _______________ _______________
Do Now: In 4 words, summarize the mask video from yesterday.
Literary Terms and Techniques Please copy anything in WHITE onto handout, & place in the Lit Term section of your binder.
Conflict Definition: a struggle between two opposing forces Definition: a struggle between two opposing forces Types of conflict: Types of conflict: Internal External
Internal Conflict Man vs. self - character is personally conflicted over a decision/feelings Give an example of internal conflict from the film.
External Conflict Man vs. man – character has problem with another character Man vs. nature – character v. heat, tornado, avalanche, etc Man vs. society – character has a problem with an element of society (the law, accepted way of doing things, etc.) Man vs. Fate (God) – character battles what seems to be an uncontrollable problem
Examples of External Conflict: Give two example of external conflict from the film, and determine which category of external conflict each falls under.
Theme Definition: Definition: The main idea or the grand meaning of a literary work. In most cases the theme is implied, not spelled out. Answers the question, “What is the story about?” without giving plot summary or details from the story. What is the theme of the film?
Plot Diagram:
Exposition: Definition: Definition: Background information regarding the setting, characters, plot. Note: we are introduced to the current situation before entering the real drama of the story Note: we are introduced to the current situation before entering the real drama of the story
Inciting Incident/Catalyst Definition: Definition: Someone or something that sparks action or brings about a change in the plot Note: There is always an incident or catalyst that sparks the main action/plot of the story between the exposition and rising action. This is how we get the story rolling.
Rising Action Definition: Those events that lead to a climax, or turning point, in the action Note: This is where the conflict, suspense and characterization are developed, so we readers become more invested in the story.
Climax Definition: Definition: called the TURNING POINT, it’s the point of greatest emotional intensity, interest, or suspense Note: Everything changes from going in one direction to another; perhaps the protagonist has been looking for something the entire story and finally finds it, or has been chased by someone the whole story & now has to face them!
Falling Action: Definition: Definition: All of the action that follows the turning point, or the climax Note: This is the part of the story that begins to tie up all the loose ends and the conflict is finally overcome.
Resolution Definition: Definition: The outcome of the conflict in a play or story Note: There is a reasonable ending. Note: There is a reasonable ending.