Metric Conversions T. Trimpe
Which Units Below are Metric Units? Grams Inches Feet Centimeters Kilometers Liters Yards Millimeters Milliliters Cups Gallons Ton Pounds Pints Hectoliters Decagrams Decimeters Ounces Quarts Cubic Centimeters Miles
Which Units Below are Metric Units? Grams Inches Feet Centimeters Kilometers Liters Yards Millimeters Milliliters Cups Gallons Ton (metric ton) Pounds Pints Hectoliters Decagrams Decimeters Ounces Quarts Cubic Centimeters Miles
Unit Comparison English inches/feet/miles cups/pints/gallons Ounces pounds SI centimeter/meter/kilo meter liters/milliters/cm 3 grams/kilograms newtons
Countries not yet officially metric: USA, Liberia, Myanmar
Metric Dollars 100 dollars 1 hectodollar 1x102 1 dime 1 decidollar 1 X cent 1 centidollar 1 X dollars 1 dekadollar 1x101 1 dollar 1x100
Unit of MeasureAbbreviationMeasure GramgMass Milligram Kilogram Meter Millimeter Centimeter Squared centimeters Cubic centimeters Liter Milliliter
Unit of MeasureAbbreviationMeasure GramgMass Milligrammg Mass Kilogram kg Mass Meter m Length Millimeter mm Length Centimeter cm Length Squared centimeters cm2 Area Cubic centimeters cm3 Volume Liter L Volume Milliliter mLVolume
Metric/SI Prefixes Prefixes are used to denote different sizes of each unit:
Measurements of Length ****
PrefixAbbreviationMeaningNotation Giga- Mega- Kilo- Hecto- Deca- BASE UNITS grams (g), meter (m), liter (L) deci- centi- milli- micro- nano-
PrefixAbbreviationMeaningNotation Giga- Gbillion1,000,000,000 or 10 9 Mega- Mmillion1,000,000 or 10 6 Kilo- kthousand1,000 or 10 3 Hecto- hhundred100 or 10 2 Deca- D (da)ten10 or 10 1 BASE UNITS grams (g), meter (m), liter (L) deci- dtenth1/10 or 0.1 or centi- chundredth1/100 or 0.01 or milli- mthousandth1/1,000 or or micro- µmillionth1/1,000,000 or or nano- nbillionth 1/1,000,000,000 or or 10 -9
Kilo-King Hecto-Henry Deca-Died Base-By deci-drinking centi-chocolate milli-milk
Full List of Metric Prefixes Prefix Symbol Multiplication factor (scientific notation) yottaY(10 24 ) zettaZ(10 21) exaE(10 18 ) petaP(10 15 ) teraT(10 12 ) gigaG (10 9 ) megaM (10 6 ) kilok1000 (10 3 ) hectoh100 (10 2 ) dekada10 (10 1 ) decid0.1 (10 -1 ) centic0.01 (10 -2 ) millim0.001 (10 -3 ) microµ (10 -6) nanon (10 -9 ) picop( ) femtof( ) attoa( ) zeptoz( ) yoctoy( )
Which Unit is Bigger? Gram _____ Kilogram Millimeter _____ Centimeter Liter _____ Deciliter Decameter _____ Hectometer Kiloliter _____ Milliliter Megagram _____ Gigagram Nanometer _____ Micrometer
Which Unit is Bigger? Gram < Kilogram Millimeter < Centimeter Liter > Deciliter Decameter < Hectometer Kiloliter > Milliliter Megagram < Gigagram Nanometer < Micrometer
Which METRIC Unit Would Be Most Appropriate to Measure… The distance between 2 cities? –kilometers The mass of a small ball? –grams The diameter of a quarter? –centimeters or millimeters The amount of water in a bottle? –milliliters or liters