The Elements of Literature
Theme Theme – The idea or point of a story Character – Protagonist – Major character – Minor character
Character A character is a person or animal who takes part in action of a literary work. In literature, you will find characters with a range of personalities and attitudes. character traits For example a character might be dependable and smart but also stubborn. The qualities that make each character unique are called character traits.
Characterization – The way a writer reveals a character’s personality and qualities. Direct characterization – The writer describes the character Indirect characterization – The writer reveals the character through speech and action
Plot (definition) Plot is the organized pattern or sequence of events that make up a story. Every plot is made up of a series of incidents that are related to one another.
ClimaxFalling ActionResolutionExpositionRising Action
Exposition: introduction of the setting, the characters and the basic situation. Rising Action: events that introduce a conflict, or struggle, and increase the tension. Climax: the story’s high point, at which the eventual out come becomes clear. Falling action: events that follow the climax. Resolution: the final outcome and tying up all loose ends.
Putting It All Together 1. Exposition 2. Rising Action 3. Climax 4. Falling Action 5. Resolution Beginning of Story Middle of Story End of Story
Author’s purpose An author’s purpose is his/her main reason for writing. The author’s purpose influences what the author says and how he or she says it. Author’s purposeClues To persuadeStrong language, favors one side of an issue To entertainSilly, humorous, suspenseful, exciting details To informFacts and details To reflect on an experienceDescriptions, comments by the writer.
The setting of a story is the time and place of the action. In some stories, setting is just a backdrop. The same story events could take place in a completely different place In other stories, setting is very important. It develops a specific atmosphere or mood in the story. The setting may even relate directly to the story’s central conflict or problem
Point of View Point of view is the perspective from a story is narrated, or told.
First-person Point of View Third-person Point of View The narrator is a character in the story who participates in the action. This character is telling the story. The narrator uses the pronouns I, me and we. In first-person point of view, readers learn about events as the narrator learns about them. the narrator is not a character in the story. The story is being told by an outside observer (someone who is not in the story). The author uses the pronouns he, she, they and them to refer to all the characters. There are two kinds of third-person point of view. 1- Third person omniscient point of view the narrator knows everything, including the thoughts and the feeling of all the characters. 2- Third person limited point of view the narrator sees things through one character’s eyes & reveals that character’s feeling and thoughts. The narrator can describe what other characters do or say but not what they feel and think.