Anatomy & Physiology TM 1 Dorsal Caudal Ventral Cranial Distal Proximal Posterior Anterior Ventral
Anatomy & Physiology TM 2 Frontal Deep Superficial Transverse Sagittal Median
Anatomy & Physiology TM 3 Skull Cervical Axis Thoracic Lumbar Atlas Coccygeal Sacral Vertebrae Ribs Scapula Ulna Radius Carpals Humerus Pelvis Metacarpals Phalanges Tarsals Tibia Metatarsals Fibula Femur Sesamoids Phalanges Olecranon Patella
Anatomy & Physiology TM 4 Short bone – cube shaped, i.e. carpus and tarsus Flat bone – plate of bone, i.e. scapula, rib, skull Irregular bone – complex shaped, i.e. vertebrae Sesamoid – small, seed-shaped bone, i.e. proximal and distal sesamoids, patella Long bone – bone is longer that it is wide, i.e. femur, tibia, humerus, etc.
Anatomy & Physiology TM 5 Periosteum Epiphysis Bone marrow Medullary cavity Metaphysis Endosteum Diaphysis
Anatomy & Physiology TM 6 Fissured ComminutedTransverse Greenstick
Anatomy & Physiology TM 7 Muscles are contractile organs responsible for the voluntary and involuntary movements of animals. Skeletal muscle –allows for all voluntary movement, appears to be striated when looked at under a microscope. Cardiac muscle – controls the involuntary beating of the heart, appears striated under a microscope. Smooth muscle – responsible for all other involuntary movement, such as breathing, digestion, peristalsis, blinking, etc.
Anatomy & Physiology TM 8 Masseter Brachiocephalicus Biceps femoris Gastrocnemius Semitendinous Intercostal Triceps brachii Deltoid Gluteals Trapezius Latissimus dorsi External abdominal oblique Pectorals
Anatomy & Physiology TM 9 Tongue Esophagus Mouth Trachea Epiglottis Nasal cavity Larynx Pharynx
Anatomy & Physiology TM 10 Epiglottis Cartilage ring Bronchioles Alveoli Trachea Lungs Larynx Bronchi
Anatomy & Physiology TM 11 Cell body (soma) Synapse Myelin sheath Dendrite Axon
Anatomy & Physiology TM 12 Meninges Medulla oblongata Brain stem Cerebrum Cerebellum Hypothalamus Thalamus Spinal cord Pituitary gland