4th Grade Social Studies preparation-chapter 6
A.) CA’s last Indian tribe B.) Sierra Nevada Pass C.) it’s where gold was discovered D.) first mining camp LW What is important about Coloma?
A.) ship around S.America B.) wagon train across The United States C.) riverboatD.) ship to Panama LW What was the fastest way to get to California during the gold rush?
A.) mud walls B.) hammering wooden Stakes into ground C.) written description To Monterey D.) hiring a mapmaker LW How did a miner show where his claim was?
A.) being treated differentB.) being mean C.) being disciplinedD.) being scary LW What is discrimination?
A.) someone who likes Manuer B.) someone who shops C.) someone who starts a business D.) Xavier LW What is an entrepreneur?
A.) low pricesB.) high prices C.) average pricesD.) stupid prices LW What is inflation?
A.) the policeB.) firefighters C.) UPS divers D.) someone who takes the Law into own hands LW What is a vigilante?
A.) military rule in CA B.) written constitution For California C.) conflict in CaliforniaD.) Fugitive Slave Act LW What was the result of the Monterey Convention?
A.) famous explorerB.) CA 1 st Governor C.) Sacramento founderD.) President in 1888 LW Review: Who was John Sutter?
A.) worked for newspaperB.) mining for gold C.) designed levis D.) opened hotels, Restaurants, laundrymats LW How did women become rich during the Gold Rush?
What was the Mirror of Times A.) a Mexican magazineB.) an Asian restaurant C.) a freaky movie D.) first African American Newspaper in California LW
A.) 1847B.) 1850 C.) 1849D.) 1851 LW When did California become a state?
Who was Bennet Riley? A.) President in 1849B.) CA first governor C.) called for Monterey Convention D.) famous farmer LW
Who was Mifflin Gibbs? A.) shoe store owner who Started Mirror of Times B.) one of the BeeGees C.) sunflower farmer D.) rabbit breeder LW
Who was Levi Strauss? A.) invented denim pants B.) opened chocolate shop C.) famous explorer D.) American Indian trader LW
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A.) Basketball starB.) former child actor C.) California senator D.) former slave who Became rich LW Who was Biddy Mason?
A.) military leader B.) CA first governor C.) famous doctor D.) an entrepreneur LW Who was Peter Burnett?
A.) They spent $ on food B.) they spent $ on tools And often didn’t find gold C.) they spent $ on wagon D.) they spent $ on gold LW Why were many miners “poorer in the end?”
A.) population boomed B.) fishing became popular C.) earthquakes occurredD.) taxes became high LW What effect did the gold rush have on San Francisco?
A.) miners were poor B.) miners were hiding C.) miners didn’t own land D.) miners left too quick LW Why did most miner NOT have to pay taxes?
A.) shops closedB.) CA can’t pay its bills C.) miners became poorD.) food became expensive LW How did the lack of taxes effect California?
A.) grades went downB.) Indians lost homes C.) War began D.) Owners had no proof The land belonged to them LW What affect did the Land Act of 1851 have on Rancho owners in California?
A.) tomatoes were popular B.) it was the gold rush center C.) great freewaysD.) nice homes LW Why did Sacramento grow during the Gold Rush?
A.) great freeways B.) gold rush of 2009 C.) opportunitiesD.) very unpopulated LW Why do people come to California today?
A.) 2/26/09B.) 2/27/09 C.) 2/28/09D.) 3/2/09 LW When is the social studies test?
Which of the following was never California’s state capitol? A.) San JoseB.) Vallejo C.) BeneciaD.) San Francisco LW
A.) Freedom ActB.) Fugitive Slave Act C.) Land Act of 1851 D.) California Act of 1908 LW Which law prevented Californian’s from helping runaway slaves?
Which part of the United States government Creates laws? A.) PresidentB.) governor C.) congress D.) post master LW
About how much is gold worth today? A.) $850 ozB.) $450 oz C.) $1900 ozD.) $9.00 oz LW
What is a synonym for the word, “ratify”? A.) approveB.) seek C.) deleteD.) radical LW
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