By Teddy Craney-Germans
Extinct member of the Homo Genus Most well-known late archaic human Lived in Europe and Southwest Asia from 130,000 to 28,000 years ago Debate of classification: a human subspecies or entirely separate lineage?
Known from Pleistocene Epoch specimens Evolved from Homo heidelbergensis in Southern Europe Adapted physically and culturally to the ice age conditions
Physically diverse Larger boned and more muscled than modern humans Relatively short and stocky Stood erect and were fully bipedal Skulls were long with sloping foreheads and large brow ridge Brain size similar to modern humans
Bodies strong and flexible Thickness and density of leg bones indicated frequent walking and running Adapted to a hunting and gathering lifestyle Large heads and massive short bodies were advantageous in cold climate conditions
Human species verse separate species? Conflicting sources of evidence Bone DNA examined Evidence supports Neanderthals as separate from human lineage Some mixture of characteristics with Homo Sapiens suggest hybrid mating
Provided evidence of species’ presence Established tool-based culture Hammers, spears, and axes used in hunting and daily function Creators of pendants and jewelry Burials and other rituals demonstrated sophisticated usage
Population diminished steadily around 30,000 years ago Extinction coincided with the rapid growth of modern humans in Europe Question of competing effectively with modern humans Possibly caused by coming of ice age and large migrations to south
A durable species for over 300,000 years First to adapt successfully to subarctic environment Existed during mild stage of ice age Proved adaptable to severe climatic conditions Developed many cultural inventions which remained following extinction
Posted Mar 19, :10 am Posted Mar 19, :10 am