UWG 2013 Meeting PO.DAAC Data Stewardship Status
Data Management & Stewardship Preserve NASA’s data for the benefit of future generations Data Access Provide intuitive services to discover, select, extract and utilize data Science Information Services Provide a knowledgebase to help a broad user community understand and interpret satellite ocean data and related information PO.DAAC Emphasis Areas
High-Level Functions Consumers Archive Ingest Web Services & Publishing Direct Data Access High-Level Access Tools Web Portal Visualization Inventory Information Providers Data In Information In Data Out Information Out Data Providers Data Providers
CLOSED Recommendation 4: Annual dataset gap analysis and prioritization Recommendation 8: Work with GHRSST on metadata practices Recommendation 9: Dialog with the NOAA Unified Access Framework Group Recommendation 14: GHRSST guidance on L4 products Recommendation 15: GHRSST guidance on new GHRSST datasets Recommendation 21: HR-DDS telecom Recommendation 30-31: Emphasize NSIDC (OBPG) as the official cryosphere (ocean color) DAAC Recommendation 32: Removal of GHRSST ancillary ocean color dataset Recommendation 33: Accessibility of ocean color data by PO.DAAC tools and services OPEN Recommendation 6: Create public webpage that documents PO.DAAC’s best practices Recommendation 18: Review strategies/implementations followed for in situ data management Recommendation 19: Work with NASA HQ to establish/enforce standards for field campaigns Recommendation 20: Work with NODC to promote netCDF data templates for field campaigns 2012 UWG Recommendations for Data Stewardship
Outline Purpose Present on new datasets, parameters, missions and best practices Presentation Outline Mission driven datasets Aquarius, Jason, GHRSST, QuikSCAT, obs4MIPS, MEaSUREs Community driven datasets From Dataset Gap Analysis studies in the parameter focus areas of Ocean Temperature, Ocean Topography, Ocean Wind, Gravity, Salinity, Ocean Circulation Also new synergistic parameters of Sea Ice, and Ocean Color SPURS report
Public Aquarius version 2 released Feb 2012 Total 12 dataset versions released during the past year by the project (>250 datasets) and the JPL PI-provided CAP dataset Advising OBPG on implementation of Climate Forecast metadata attributes Support periodic ingest of other Aquarius Cal/Val datasets: MWR, WWAV, Ancillary-HYCOM 954 registered users Announcement: 25_PODAAC_VALIDATED_AQUARIUS/SAC-D_DATA_SET_RELEASED Mission: Aquarius
Jason-1 repositioned as geodetic mission as a result of new orbit Jason-1 in safehold since 28 Feb Jason-1 netCDF reformatted by project to correct inconsistencies GRACE reprocessed to version 5 Improved gravity model, tide model, atmospheric and ocean dealiasing Jason-1 and Grace
Met with GHRSST representatives P. Minnett (GHRSST chair), G. Cortlett (Project Office), C. Gentemann (MISST PI) Discussed issues on policies for new GHRSST datasets, and metadata and documentation improvements HR-DDS like system will be proposed through a European ESA call PO.DAAC is continuing to support evolution and extension of ISO and Climate Forecast metadata standards for GHRSST and NASA GHRSST
Preparation ongoing for version 2 datasets from GHRSST Currently testing ingest of revised L4 and L3 datasets, and VIIRS L2P (global 1 km) GOES-15 and Windsat SST version 1 released AATSR sensor on Envisat no longer operating GHRSST
Implemented JPL QuikSCAT L2B version 3 dataset Version 3 is in Preview, awaiting full release (coming soon!) QuikSCAT briefly came back to life for one week in Jan 2013 Another reboot by the QuikSCAT Project is under consideration QuikSCAT
obs4MIPS Global monthly 1 degree gridded satellite observation for CMIP5 model inter-comparisons AMSRE SST, AVISO Absolute Dynamic Height, QS wind MEaSUREs Reprocessed (or additions) to MUR SST (Chin, JPL), CCMP winds (Atlas, AOML), Integrated SSHA (Ray, GSFC), Tellus (Zlotnicki, JPL) PO.DAAC will archive and distribute future 2012 MEaSUREs selections: New datasets for Sea Level (Willis, JPL), Gravity (Landerer, JPL) and pre-SWOT(Lettenmaier, Univ. of Wash.) obs4MIPS and MEaSUREs
New dataset acceptance policy driven by Dataset Gap Analysis Annual review of proposed datasets (not mission mandated). First review completed July Last in January datasets have been identified as Tier 1 priority Five new datasets have been acquired via this policy Includes new synergistic parameter areas of sea ice and ocean color Community driven datasets 4 4
Acquired David Long’s QuikSCAT-Derived Multi-Year sea ice age classification Fully archived Acquired “remote” datasets for MODIS and SeaWiFS L3 ocean chlorophyll-a Some PO.DAAC tools and services available THREDDS, SOTO, LAS No archiving or granule distribution Users directed to NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) Sea Ice and Ocean Color
BYU/SCP Enhanced Resolution Level 3 Sigma-0 datasets from David Long JPL Oceansat-2 L2B dataset Existing MOU allows JPL/NASA access to the data for dataset development and distribution CSEOF Reconstructed Sea Level Ocean Wind and Topography
E. Lindstrom has requested that SPURS in situ and other data be “packaged” for the research community In response PO.DAAC will submit a proposal with F. Bingham (SPURS PI) to NASA ESDIS A hierarchy of data services and commensurate funding will be proposed Complete funding will provide full discovery, access, tools and archive services Following the NASA/ESDIS defined policy on adoption of new “missions” or “campaigns” SPURS Report
Prioritization Plan Flow Chart: NASA Process