Minnesota’s Strengthening Families Minnesota Department of Human Services Ready 4 K’s Build Initiative
Strengthening Families funded by Doris Duke began as a search for a new approach to child abuse prevention that: Is systematic Is national Reaches large numbers of children Has impact long before abuse or neglect occurs Promotes optimal development for all children
national partner organizations Foundations: Casey Family Programs, Annie E. Casey, Arthur L. Mailman, Arthur Blank Family Foundation
Strengthening Families has inspired a new approach to family support services that is: Universally available, not targeted by risk Focused on development and growth, not only on identified problems Delivered through new, powerful partners not typically identified as Child Abuse and Neglect prevention or family support agents
parental resilience Psychological health; parents feel supported and able to solve problems; can develop trusting relationships with others and reach out for help Parents who did not have positive childhood experiences or who are in troubling circumstances need extra support and trusting relationships
social connections Relationships with extended family, friends, co-workers, other parents with children similar ages Community norms are developed through social connections Mutual assistance networks: child care, emotional support, concrete help
knowledge of parenting and child development Basic information about how children develop Basic techniques of developmentally appropriate discipline Alternatives to parenting behaviors experienced as a child Help with challenging behaviors
concrete supports Response to a crisis: food, clothing, shelter Assistance with daily needs: health care, job opportunities, transportation, education Services for parents: mental health, domestic violence, substance abuse Specialized services for children
social and emotional development Normal development (like using language to express needs and feelings) creates more positive parent-child interactions Challenging behaviors, traumatic experiences or development that is not on track require extra adult attention A Surprise: What learning in a classroom does for families back at home
Minnesota Department of Human Services Strengthening Families Work Commissioner Cal Ludeman publicly addresses needs of Children and Families in an SF framework Strengthening Families Orientation of Children and Family Services – Creating a Roadmap to incorporate throughout administration Community Partnerships/Child Safety and Permanency are a National Strengthening Families Affiliate Children’s Trust Fund orients: all contracts around SF tenets: 16 statewide grantees, 52 Child Abuse Prevention Councils, Evaluation
Contact Information For more information contact: Zoe Nicholie/Kat Kempe ( Ready 4K) Joanne Mooney – Children’s Trust Fund