Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 The Role of Intermediates and Multipliers in the Awareness and Information Campaign Michael Gericke, Senior Consultant
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 In order to understand the concept of MoEE, we have to distinguish between the following groups of actors: Stakeholders Multipliers (or Intermediates) Beneficiaries
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Definition: Stakeholders are persons or institutions with an interest in or affected by the OP Competitiveness. In principle, every project should consult as wide a range of stakeholders as possible to ensure that project activities will meet real SME demands. On programme level, stakeholders are mainly national level institutions.
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Definition: Multipliers are persons or institutions being in a position to support MA (MoEE) and IB (BSMEPA) in spreading messages and information about: Structural Funds as such, Operational Programme (OP) in particular, programme contents (operations) and conditions of implementation.
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Definition: Beneficiaries (in the context of aid schemes) are public or private firms or supporting institutions carrying out an individual action and receiving public aid.
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 OP Competitiveness particularly aims at strengthening the sector of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). Why are SMEs so important for Europe‘s economy and why do they need specific promotion activities?
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Most of EU‘s enterprises are small:
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Yet, they are the „job engine“ within the community…
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 …and they are responsible for the biggest part of economic turnover:
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 But when it comes to innovation, SMEs do not have very much to contribute – not even in so-called „well-developed“ Member States.
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 So, SMEs really deserve and need to be in the focus of economic as well as employment policies! But: SMEs are difficult customers!
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 SMEs in general face similar problems: many of them are so busy that they don‘t have the time (and don‘t have capacities) to develop a strategy for middle and long term progress (be it business or HRD) therefore, they are in need of external help… …but they don‘t know or don‘t recognise that need
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Moreover: if SMEs realise the need to change, they are not able to find „tailor-made“ support due to a lack of skilled and experiences providers (Bulgaria!) and should they find suitable support, they often cannot afford it.
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 MoEE can offer hundreds of millions of BGN via the OP Competitiveness. The programme bears big chances for SMEs to improve their performance and raise competitiveness on national and international markets. But how can we approach them?
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 The following problems have to be overcome: 1. Implementation will not start before next spring (2007). 2. If SMEs have problems now, they have to be tackled this year. 3. Yet, if SMEs intend to participate, they have to prepare themselves properly. 4. Therefore, they need first information now and use the time until application period.
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Every campaign in relation to SMEs therefore has to use intermediates or multipliers and follow a two-step strategy: 1. Raising awareness about the opportunities provided by EU funds – thereby producing the consciousness of a demand as well as a request for in depth information 2. Distributing concrete information – thereby encouraging them to apply for funds
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Moreover: MoEE has to plan an Awareness and Information Campaign that aims not only at SMEs but also at some other target groups.
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May O P C O M P E T I T I V E N E S General Public MoEEBSMEPAMoEEBSMEPA other NGOs VET Providers Consultants SMEs in general News Research Universities Banks/Investment Quality/Innovation Energy Sector Tourism Sector CampaignMultipliersRecipients Chambers Associat. Soc.Partners Pot. Founders Bus. support BC/BIC NEA RDA Regions Municipal. EIC Law Firms
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Stakeholders – [Awareness] Multipliers – [Awareness & information] Beneficiaries – Awareness & [Information] What, for whom and when? Now - soon - Autumn
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Most of the stakeholders have been participants of the OP preparation working group. Information needs: Ongoing process development information from MoEE Will probably also participate in Monitoring Committee Now! 2007
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Many important stakeholders will also be used as multipliers: ► Social partners (employers associations & trade unions) ► Associations ► Chambers ► Regional Development Agencies ► Regional / District / Municipal Administrations ► Employment Agencies
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Information needs: Ongoing process development plus Concrete and detailed info on application conditions and procedures Now! Autumn
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Beneficiaries might be found among a lot of different groups: ► SMEs in general – different sectors ► Associations (local branches) ► Consultancies, Training Providers ► Business Support Centres, Incubators ► Universities, Research Facilities ► NGOs
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Information needs: Awareness raising general information – will be provided by multipliers in different forms plus Concrete and detailed info on application conditions and procedures – as soon as it is available Soon Autumn
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 YOU have a lot of member institutions! can provide existing information channels in relation to different target groups (and can easily address them)! know the needs of your member institutions! can realise the benefit of the OP for these institutions!
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 That‘s why we need you as multipliers who can assist MoEE to spread the good message within your sphere of influence. We intend to keep you informed about the process, the contents and the conditions of funding
Multipliers' Event, Sofia, NDK, 31 May Twinning Project Strengthening the Capacity of the MoEE to manage Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy” under Structural Funds Twinning Code BG/03/IB/FI/03 Please help us to do this important job! It will not only be for the benefit of the target groups – particularly SMEs. You will also assist the Bulgarian government in the overall objective of consuming as much as possible of the aids provided by the EU!