SHOPPING SPREE Eisenhower Middle School Students will be shopping for their vacation
+ 7 th Grade Task Your task is to select 8-10 items that you will buy for your SPRING BREAK. Your budget is $1000. You will search catalogs or the Internet for these items. Also, you will incorporate the discounts per category of items. Have fun shopping!
+ 7th Grade Process Choose the 8 items that you will be purchasing. Search the catalogs and the internet for the items. Create a spreadsheet to organize your gift list. Create a pie graph using the category and total cost per category. Put pictures and prices of all your gifts in a document.
+ Important Sales Information! Clothing 25% off Electronics15% off Books, CDs, Videos10% off Toiletries 20% off Everything Else 5% off Apply these discounts to your purchases. Apply NJ sales tax (7%) where applicable.
7th Grade Evaluation NoviceApprenticePractitionerExpert Spreadsheet (3) Spreadsheet does not follow format and lacks some information. Spreadsheet follows format but lacks some information. Spreadsheet follows format with all column headings. All of Practitioner and includes formulas for all calculations. Gift Page (2) A word document that is poorly organized and lacks some information. A word document that includes most of the; pictures of gifts names of recipients prices An attractive and well organized word document that includes; pictures of items names of recipients prices All of practitioner and includes an attractive Title Page for the project. Graph (3) A pie graph missing some information. A pie graph that includes legend but no data labels or title. A pie graph that includes; title data labels legend All of practitioner and another type of graph. Math Calculations (2) Three or more errors in math calculations. One to two errors in math calculations. No errors in math calculations. All of Practitioner plus; a typed explanation of how to calculate discount and tax.