Copyright © The Beyond Intractability Project Beyond Intractability is a Registered Trademark of the University of Colorado PowerPoint Summary of: Benefits of Conflict
Slide 2: Conflict and Learning Conflict is the “engine of social learning” Reveals social problems such as: Economic inequality Social exclusion Prejudice and discrimination Conflict can encourage parties to work towards solutions Complete absence of conflict suggests the presence of suppression PowerPoint Summary of: Benefits of Conflict
Slide 3: Social Benefits of Conflict Improved group cohesion Helps people recognize shared interests Reaffirms shared identity Development of new, positive norms/values Highlighting social problems and suggesting solutions PowerPoint Summary of: Benefits of Conflict
Slide 4: Psychological Benefits of Conflict Strengthening of self-identity Positive effects on self-esteem (when one is successful) Meeting deep psychological needs (due to increased group cohesion) PowerPoint Summary of: Benefits of Conflict
Slide 5: Material Benefits of Conflict Concrete material rewards Direct -- Spoils to the victor, such as land and treasure Indirect -- Profit to “conflict entrepreneurs” selling arms and supplies Increased power Directly for the victor Indirectly for third parties, as warring parties weaken each other PowerPoint Summary of: Benefits of Conflict
Slide 6: The Challenge The challenge is to: 1)Realize the benefits of conflict while at the same time 2) Minimizing its costs PowerPoint Summary of: Benefits of Conflict