Joanna Fiedler Enlargement and Neighbouring Countries Unit DG Environment European Commission REReP → RENA Vision of the European Commission PEIP Regional.


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Presentation transcript:

Joanna Fiedler Enlargement and Neighbouring Countries Unit DG Environment European Commission REReP → RENA Vision of the European Commission PEIP Regional Meeting 28 th of November November 2008

‒ to improve the environmental situation in the region in a post-conflict context ‒ to re-establish and facilitate an environmental dialogue between the Western Balkan countries. — 1999 — 2007 Why a need for RENA? Establishment of the Regional Environmental Reconstruction Programme: REReP Why? Since then, The European political landscape has changed substantially. The Commission proposes to replace REReP with RENA: a new Regional Environmental Network for Accession. ‒ A future in the EU possible for all the Western Balkans and Turkey. ‒ A need for further strengthening of the pre- accession element in regional co-operation. So?

RENA – the launch of the process  Ministers for Environment from the Candidate Countries and potential Candidates plus Bulgaria and Romania welcoming the initiative (June 2007)  the Commission was asked to provide a Road Map from REReP to RENA Exchange of experience Jointly tackle Forum Different stages

RENA – the components  Ministerial Meetings will: Increase political commitment Increase the visibility of the challenges posed by the environment chapter Steer the technical level cooperation process by setting priority issues  Regional Environmental Network for Accession (RENA) Concrete RENA activities identified by Environment Ministers in 2007 Annual meetings  4 thematic working groups for the first 2 years (see next slide)  The Secretariat of the RENA Network The Commission will be assisted by a Consultant to be selected by a tendering procedure.

Priority issues identified by Ministers  Strategic planning of the pre- accession process;  Public participation;  Climate change;  Cross-border Co-operation on environment;  Preparation of environmental investment projects

RENA – the thematic working groups WG 1 "Strategic Planning & Investments" WG 2 "Climate Change“ WG 3 "Cross-Border Cooperation on water, nature, EIA & SEA" WG 4 “Implementation and Enforcement“

WG 1 Strategic Planning & Investments  Strategic approach towards harmonisation process – reducing the risk of: - Inadequate alignment that requires a number of amendments - Complex institutional framework with overlapping competences - Inadequate strengthening administrative capacities - Inefficient spending of scarce financial resources

Using the existing experience  To continue the Progress Monitoring exercise: (monitoring progress towards adoption and implementation of environmental legislation)  To built on experience from PEIP  Better coordination on planning of investments

Objectives  Creation of a forum for officials - to exchange experience  Strengthening cooperation in the field focusing on the strategic planning of the approximation process  Strengthening public participation

WG 1 Strategic Planning & Investments  Strategic planning of approximation process e.g approximation strategies  Effective implementation and enforcement of acquis including financing  Maintaining and updating a regional list of priority environmental projects  Assistance in drafting investment and financing strategies, exchange of information on financing sources  Public participation in the planning process  Assistance in providing tools for tracking and assessing progress in preparation for accession  Specific capacity building/information exchange activities

Results  Identification of workshop/training needs  Best practice documents  List of priority projects  Identification of potential multi- beneficiary projects  Progress monitoring report

WG 2 Climate Change  Focus on:  keeping the countries fully aware of developments in relation to Climate change policy developments  Preparing countries for implementing EU Climate Change requirements once members  Specific activities may include; creation of inventories, development of strategies, establishment of ETSs, etc.)  Particular attention will be given to adaptation and mitigation

WG 3 Cross-Border Cooperation Focus on:  Nature Protection including Natura 2000 preparations in a transboundary context  Water Management in a transboundary context, including the Water Framework directive  Public participation in relation to the above areas as well as general requirements on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and the implementation of the Aarhus Convention

WG 4 Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Network for Accession (ECENA)  ECENA established in 2005;  Exchange best practices on implementation and enforcement of environmental law  Inclusion of ECENA in RENA will allow the work on implementation and enforcement to be more closely linked with other pre-accession tasks

RENA stakeholders RENA focal point Neighbouring EU Member States Other EU Member States IFIs, Bilateral Donors, International organisations Environmental NGOs

RENA - Financing  Financing through the IPA multi-beneficiary programme  Tentative planning  IPA 2009: 2,9 million €  IPA 20010: 3 million €  Certain activities will only be started in 2010 – but most in 2009 (as these are currently covered by on-going EU project)  The split between activities is indicative and will be further fine-tuned, taking into account relevant developments, before the launch of the 1st tender

Next Steps…..  Discussion at REReP meeting (this week)  Countries to consolidate their positions and provide comments in writing to the Commission before 1 January 2009  COM to finalise the RENA road map before March 2009  Ministerial meeting to endorse the RENA road map/mandates for the working groups – spring/early summer 2009  Launch of RENA – target date - September 2009
