Working Group on Poverty, Development and Democracy Co-Chairs: Italy – Chile March 18, 2010
Purpose The Working Group (WG) will approach in a pragmatic way the issues related to Democracy and Development. The WG will examine how to improve sustainable human development through encouraging local solutions, that also improve democracy.
Purpose The main objective will be to share successful projects of cooperation already taking place and compare different policies and instruments based on concrete examples of cooperation.
Background The Community of Democracies (COD) is becoming more visible as a forum for the equal partnership between emerging and consolidated democracies. Democracy does not belong to any culture or region of the world. There are processes rooted in specific realities that must be encouraged.
Background Also, development cannot be a formula adapted to all circumstances. The approach should be to proceed on a case by case and region by region basis. Development built on consultation will engender the local leadership and ownership necessary to attain lasting results.
Background According to the Millennium Developments Goals and the Millennium Declaration, the Working Group will emphasize that democracy, development and human rights are mutually reinforcing. Social, economic and cultural development leads to democracy and vice-versa.
Background Women’s empowerment and participation at all levels of economic, political and social life are essential to poverty reduction and democratic development. Aid and cooperation must create partnerships with local social groups, the private sector and civil society. Partnerships with Governments must be based on shared responsibility.
Objectives The main objective is to help to identify a range of policy options and actions to promote development in countries with vulnerable democracies. The Working Group will select a number of projects for evaluation and discussion. The sharing of information and best practices will allow us to highlight different approaches tailored to different realities.
Objectives The organization of a visit to projects already taking place by some participants in order to better share successful know-how and innovative policies is being considered. Devising a pragmatic roadmap, a list of principles, modalities and key features extracted from policies that have proven to be successful in supporting development, reducing poverty and strengthening democracy.
Participation The Working Group will be chaired by Italy and Chile. It will consist of a membership of 6-8 states and 2-3 NGOs. The WG will coordinate its work with the Permanent Secretariat of the COD and the Presidency of the Convening Group. Countries such as Cape Verde, Mali, Morocco, and Mongolia have already expressed interest in participating in the WG.
Participation The International Steering Committee (ISC) of the COD is already a participant member of the WG. Geographical equilibrium and a balance between consolidated and emerging democracies will be a priority.
Methodology The Working Group will run for roughly 15 months in the lead-up to the Ministerial meeting in Lithuania in Regular meetings will be held in Washington D.C. The Working Group could meet in side events in Krakow (July, 2010) and in New York (September, 2010), or other COD events, in order to increase synergies and reduce transportation costs for participants.
Methodology Meetings will be informal and goal-oriented, with the idea of producing concrete deliverables according to a work plan to be developed by the Working Group as a whole. The WG will consider the work done by different United Nations’ Agencies related to poverty, development and democracy. Members will be asked to designate one person to act as a focal point and participate in each meeting, thereby providing continuity to the discussions.
Methodology Meeting attendance will be limited to participating members, but academic or practitioner expertise could be brought in on a case by case basis if the WG so agrees. Other experts from governments or international and regional organizations can be brought in as needed.
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