Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 1 Interregional Cooperation and the Lisbon and Gothenburg Agendas “GROW” Brussels, 18 October 2007 Territorial Co-operation Unit
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 2 Rationale Community Strategic Guidelines on Cohesion The strategic importance of Cohesion Policy to strengthening synergies with and helping to deliver the objectives of the renewed Lisbon Agenda The European Territorial Cooperation Objective has an important role to play in ensuring the balanced and sustainable development of EU territory The success of ETC objective depends on shared development strategies and on networking especially to ensure the transfer of ideas to mainstream national and regional cohesion programmes
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 3 Financing INTERREG II – 3.5 billion INTERREG III – 5.8 billion European Territorial Cooperation 8.7 billion Steady increase in funding available (although also increase in area covered post 2004…)
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 4 Financing Cross-border co-operation 74% * Transnational co-operation 21%* Interregional co-operation 5% Co-financing rate: up to 75% (even 85% for certain programmes) *) Flexibility at Member State level: +/- 15%
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 5 Financing programmes programmes (Current prices) Cross-border co-operation 4.0 bn €6.5 bn € (inc 0,9 bn € ENPI/IPA) Transnational co-operation 1.4 bn €1.8 bn € Interregional co-operation (INTERREG IIIC/IVC, URBACT, ESPON, INTERACT) 0.4 bn € Total 5.8 bn €8.7 bn €
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 6 Content and Topics Objective in its own right (before Community Initiative Programme) – More visibilityObjective in its own right (before Community Initiative Programme) – More visibility Improved legal basis (Specific provisions for co-operation, EGTC)Improved legal basis (Specific provisions for co-operation, EGTC) Clear focus on Lisbon and Göteborg (more focused programmes expected – cross cutting themes linked to innovation and environment)Clear focus on Lisbon and Göteborg (more focused programmes expected – cross cutting themes linked to innovation and environment) Up to 75% of EU co-financing for all regions (in some cases up to 85%)Up to 75% of EU co-financing for all regions (in some cases up to 85%)
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 7 Content and Topics Strand A Cross-border co-operation -for solving local problems -include strategic projects, especially along maritime borders Strand B Transnational co-operation - no longer studies and plans but concrete, strategic projects important for the whole area Strand C Interregional co-operation - exchange of experiences and best practices to improve regional policy design
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 8 Interregional Cooperation oThematic interregional co-operation programme focusing on Lisbon and Gothenburg priorities (based on INTERREG IIIC) oFramework programme for the exchange of experiences on urban renewal (developed on the basis of URBACT) oStudies, data collection, observation and analysis of development trends in the Community (developed on the basis of ESPON) oIdentification, transfer and dissemination of best practice in management of co-operation programmes (developed on the basis of INTERACT)
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 9 Interregional Cooperation Interregional co-operation under Objective 3 (Territorial Co-operation) Interregional co-operation encouraged also within Objective 1 (Convergence) and Objective 2 (Competitiveness) programmes.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 10 Interregional Co-operation in the INTERREG IV C programme 321 MEUR ERDF, one single programme One Managing Authority: Conseil Régional Nord – Pas de Calais – Lille (F) Four Information Points in Rostock, Katowice (with support from Vienna), Valencia and Lille Focus on Lisbon and Gothenburg agenda Whole EU territory is eligible Rate of assistance up to 75 %/85%
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 11 The aim of INTERREG IVC to contribute to the Union’s strategy for growth and jobs and economic modernisation to improve the effectiveness of regional development policies to facilitate cooperation between regional and local authorities across the EU27, Norway and Switzerland To „capitalise“ the results already gained via transfer to the mainstream programmes. Implemented via 2 types of operations
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 12 Types of operations I – “Regional Initiative projects” Partners from at least three countries, from which at least two partners must be from EU Member States Co-operation can vary in intensity, but focus on concrete results Priority 1: Innovation and the knowledge economy – Research, technology and development – Information society – Entrepreneurship, SMEs and economic sectoral development – Employment, human resources and education Priority 2: Environment and risk prevention – Energy and sustainable public transport – Biodiversity and preservation of natural heritage – Natural and technological risks – Water & waste management – Cultural heritage
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 13 Types of operations II – ”Capitalisation, including the Fast Track option networks” New type of activities Expected results: Transfer of good practice identified in regional networks to the Convergence and Competitiveness and Co- operation programmes for implementation List of 30 themes applicable here Enhanced Communication effort
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 14 Regions For Economic Change Initiative (RfEC) Based on Commission communication COM (2006) 675 from November 2006 Main aim: make a stronger link between the exchange of good practices, developed in the interregional co- operation programmes, and the main body of funding in the mainstream programmes (all 3 objectives) In another words: to use the knowledge gained in the most efficient and productive way
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION Themes – being inserted into 2 interregional co-operation programmes: Interreg IVC and Urbact II Two way bridge between thematic networks and mainstream programmes Enhanced Communication: annual conference, RegioStars Awards Fast Track option networks Regions For Economic Change 4 innovations
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 16 Types of operations - The Fast Track option Fast Track networks funded under the INTERREG IV C or the URBACT II programme, depending on the theme Networks to be set up for each theme bringing together regions with specific experience and those having special interest Involvement of Commission: assists with expertise and participates in implementation Expected outcome: Action plans for concrete implementation in Convergence, Competitiveness and Co-operation programmes and wide dissemination of results
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 17 NEXT STEPS Inter-regional Programmes already adopted INTERREG IV-C (adopted ) URBACT (adopted )
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 18 NEXT STEPS Setting up the management, monitoring and control structures 1st meeting of PMC (selection criteria, organisation of evaluation, information and communication plan…) Launching the 1st call for proposals Assessment of proposals Signature of contracts with Lead-Partners (1st N+2 target to be met on 31 December 2009)
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 19 Thank you for your attention For more information: Inforegio website: onal/ecochange/index_en.cfm INTERREG IV-C website www.