LANDMARKS Here are some places you might want to go click on one! Eiffel Tower Le Louvre Arc De Triomphe
The EiffelTower!!!
The Eiffel Tower Gustave Eiffel, was the designer of the Eiffel Tower so it was named after him. the Eiffel Tower is the tallest building in all of Paris. Tons of people (More than 200,000,000 people) have visited the Eiffel Tower since the day it was built in 1889, making it the most visited monument you need to pay to visit in the world. The Eiffel Tower is 324 m tall. When the Eiffel Tower was finished in 1889 it was the world's tallest tower, it stayed the worlds tallest tower until 1930 when New York City's Chrysler Building was finished (it was 319m tall). Back to home pageTo the credits
The Louvre
Le Louvre The Louvre Museum Which in French is Musée du Louvre is in Paris. It is a historic monument, and is a national museum of France. It is a central landmark, located on the Right side of the River Seine. Nearly 35,000 pieces of art (including the Mona Lisa) from the 6th 1000 years BC to the 19th century AD are showed over an area of 60,600 square meters. Back to home page To the credits
Arc De triomphe
Arc De Triomphe The Arc de Triomphe is a monument in Paris, that stands in the centre of a Place called Charles de Gaulle, or the Place de l'Étoile.The Arc de Triomphe honors those who fought for France, Mostly during the Napoleonic Wars. On the inside and the top of the arc there are all of the names of generals and wars fought. Underneath is the grave of the unknown soldier from World War I. The Arc is 49.5 m (162 ft) tall, 45 m (150 ft) wide and 22 m (72 ft) deep. It is the second biggest arc in existence. Back to home page To the credits
Credits Thanks to……… The computer I used For working Picsearch For the pics And its siblings and For searching All my classmates…… Except those who were talking Yes I heard you Myself For finishing this so I cant fail ha ha ha